Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Okay, okay, okay, best not to panic at this incredibly unforeseen moment in my life," Mia said as she sat with her body stiffened in shock, staring around at the now very pretty love Holidaze.

"It's not great news for me either, you know. Now I'm stuck with you," Cupid teased.

Mia narrowed her eyes on him finding no humour in his words, "oh, yeah, this is so bad for you," she drawled.

"It's not that bad," Cupid insisted.

Mia stared around at the overenthusiastic cherubs to the tinkling fountain and the general cheeriness of this Holidaze. A queasiness filled her stomach and she fought down the need to bolt away from here as fast as she could.

"This can't be true. There is no way that I'm this Goddess of Love," Mia shook her head, struggling to come out of the daze surrounding her.

"If the Higher Gods say you are the Goddess of Love, then that's who you are."

"Oh, yeah, they totally knew, that's why I ended up dumped in the human world," Mia's sarcasm grew more pronounced.

"It is rare for them to make such a huge blunder," Cupid mused.

A sudden idea struck Mia, "I need to see it for myself. I have to check that they didn't make another mistake that they haven't picked up on yet. Take me back to my place on earth."

Mia marched over to Cupid and waved a hand at him. Cupid merely raised his eyebrows and said nothing. With a frustrated sigh, Mia poked him in the chest.

"You have your own wings, remember," Cupid said with a smirk.

"I don't, so take me back with you. I need to see the reality. Open those wings of yours and let's get going."

Cupid didn't argue this time when he could see the desperation on her face. He knew the Higher Gods wouldn't have changed Mia's position, unless they were sure. Because he still had his job, he thought he could appease her wishes for now. It wasn't every day that a human became a Goddess, so he could understand and sympathise with her struggle.

"Take me to my house," she ordered.

With a sigh, Cupid did as she asked, even when he knew she only had disappointment to look forward to. He stopped by her front porch and made sure they were invisible.

Mia looked at her home and breathed a sigh of relief, everything looked absolutely normal. As she went to step up to the door, she heard a ruckus from inside.

"C'mon, we have to get the porch decorated before mum and dad get here or its going to spoil the surprise," a woman's voice rang out that sounded awfully familiar to Mia.

When the woman she had set up to trick Cupid with walked out of the door, Mia could only stare. The last time she had seen her Mia had pricked her with a love arrow, so she could live blissfully with the man Cupid had intended to set Mia up with.

What was this woman doing trying to take over her life? Mia promised her a date not to give her whole world over to the woman.

"Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place," Mia said as she stepped forward, but the woman ignored her presence.

As Mia frowned and went to step closer to confront the woman, a car pulled up in the driveway. She realised it was her parent's car and a sense of triumph filled her. If nothing else, her parents would send these interlopers on their way.

"It's too late, they're already here," a male voice answered.

"Bugger, and the kids worked so hard on it," the woman replied.

It's all Cupid's fault (The Holidaze Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz