Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Cupid ditched her! He seriously ditched her! Mia wasn't sure whether to allow the hurt or the anger to reign supreme. They were getting along so well. They were enjoying kissing each other, that's for sure and now nothing. Poof, and he'd vanished back to his Holidaze.

The worst part was that he'd managed to prevent her from going into his Holidaze. She stood on the entrance to all the different Holidaze and the only one she couldn't enter was his stupid love realm. It infuriated her.

How dare he lock her out of his Holidaze when they were working at finding her a man. They'd made a truce and have even started being friendlier. In fact, with the reminder of his kisses, she knew they were spectacular together.

Why would he run away from her? Did this have to do with why he was acting so weird with her earlier? It all made no sense to her. Who ran off after kissing someone that passionately?

"How can he do that?" Mia ranted to Meri when she arrived back at Santa's Village.

"Do what?" Meri asked, trying to humour her friend.

"He closed the Valentine's Day Holidaze so I can't get into it and give him a piece of my mind! How dare he. We had a truce!" Mia ranted.

"I know that the leader of the Holidaze can lock it to prevent entry, but Santa's Village has never had it happen. It's definitely a possibility to what he's done if you can't enter," Meri informed her.

"That's exactly what he's done, the sneak. Why's he acting like such a child?"

"Is this where I finally get to mention that spectacular kiss, we saw you all sharing?"

Mia quickly clamped her mouth shut. She wanted so badly to gush about kissing Cupid, but without his presence it felt wrong. Why wasn't he here trying to lure her away for more kisses?

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"I think it's got everything to do with it. You two were smooching for the entire time that the rest of us were making Frosty and his family."

"No way, we were not," Mia protested as a flush rose onto her cheeks.

"You were," Mia grinned. "In fact, you looked like you were thoroughly enjoying yourself, with how long it took to get you to stop."

"Ugh, I was. The man kisses like a..."

"God?" Meri offered.

"Ugh, yes, okay, he kisses like a God. It's addictive and I want more, except he fluttered those ridiculous wings of his, and disappeared into his own Holidaze, which he then locked me out of!" Mia's voice grew louder until she started shouting.

"Let's get you off that one slice of information that makes you act insane," Meri held up a finger when Mia went to protest, and that silenced her. "How did you garner his attention to begin with? Maybe you need to go back to the basics, instead of worrying about Cupid locking you out of his Holidaze."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"How did you originally capture his attention? Maybe you need to do that again," Meri advised.

Mia pondered her friend's words. If she couldn't get to Cupid through the Holidaze, then how could she contact him? Would he keep up his part of the deal and send her dates? Maybe she'd have to return to sending burnt letters to him. A smile bloomed on her face and Meri grinned too.

"I only hope Cupid has a clue of what he's unleashed," Meri smirked.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to do a thing to the stupid God, or at least nothing he doesn't deserve," Mia snickered.

It's all Cupid's fault (The Holidaze Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now