Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Mia couldn't understand what was up with Cupid. Ever since they'd left the revamped part of the love Holidaze, he had started acting weird. It was as if he'd forgotten how to talk to her.

The moment they arrived in Santa's Village, Cupid had yanked Sander away and left her with Meri, not that she minded. Here she was thinking they were finding more common ground and then he turns it around, so she's back to being confused.

"So how is the man hunt going?" Meri asked, as she bundled Avery into a cute snowsuit.

"Baffling," Mia answered with her mind still on Cupid.


"Yeah, I just don't get it. He abandons me in Mexico, comes rushing back to get me, and then his Holidaze becomes exactly what I thought it should look like all long. After that he scurries off with Sander as if I was the most terrifying sight that he'd ever seen. No wonder I'm confused and baffled over the stupid man or God or whatever!" Mia started to explain and ended up ranting.

"Are we talking about the man hunt or Cupid?" Meri asked with a cheeky grin.


"You just gave me a long spiel about Cupid and his many failures towards you. At no time did you mention even one of those dates you've supposedly had during the manhunt."

"Did I?" Mia asked and her friend nodded.

"The dates are going okay, I guess."

"You sound so enthusiastic. From where I'm standing, it looks like you've enjoyed your time much more with Cupid than anytime you've spent with the dates you've had," Meri grinned, and Mia found herself stumped with what to answer.


"I don't blame you at all. He's definitely someone worthy of your viewing pleasure, just don't forget he's a God and not like one of us," Meri warned.

"I'm very aware of that. He left me in Mexico by vanishing out of sight and then appeared back just as quickly. Why are you bundling into your coat? I only just got here, so you can't leave," Mia protested, glad that she could move the topic away from herself.

"You arrived on Snowfall Day. I suggest you grab your coat so we can go and bring Frosty and his family to life," Meri said as she started to head towards the door.

"Snowfall day? I hate to shock you but it's always snowing here," Mia drawled.

"This is the day for Frosty and his family. We have a competition for who makes the best version, and for the rest of the day there are snowmen, snowwomen and snow children frolicking about. It's a fun day for everyone," Meri told her with a happy smile.

"Are you saying that everyone makes a snowman family?" Mia asked bemused.

"Yes, and the many Frosty families decide who made the best one. We all team up, let off a little steam and have some fun. C'mon, you can team up with Cupid," Meri teased.

"Why would I want to team up with him? He wouldn't know the first thing about building snowmen. Winning is what's important!" Mia rubbed her hands together.

"The teams were already chosen, so if you want to compete then you're going to have to team up with him," Meri insisted.

Mia wasn't as disappointed or annoyed as she made out. More time with Cupid was never a bad thing, even when he didn't seem to know how to act around her now. She enjoyed spending time with him, more now than she ever expected.

"If I have to team up with him then I will," Mia released a long-winded sigh, but Meri's grin only grew wider.

"I can see how much of a hardship it is for you," Meri drawled.

It's all Cupid's fault (The Holidaze Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now