What Once was Yours First

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He gazed at me and swallowed. "I miss you," he said. "And I wanted to see you and-and apologize."

I scoffed, breaking eye contact to smile to myself. Well, this was unbelievable. The smiling was because of how ridiculous he was. Of all the times he could've apologized, he chose today?

"I don't need your apologies. We're divorced. It's over. We don't owe it to each other to say speak another word to one another." I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Of course an apology was great to hear, but only if it was sincere. I could feel that he wasn't actually here to apologize to me. Not when I knew he didn't think he was in the wrong in the first place. Why did he think we divorced in the first place? He didn't want to apologize, he wanted to feel better about himself for being a lying and cheating asshole.

"I feel horrible for what I did to you—the cheating and the rumours. When I found out we couldn't have a family, I was upset. I just loved you so much and-"

"Don't," I interrupted. I felt my heart begin to ache and I didn't enjoy it. I refused to be hurt by him. I refused to be fed with his excuses. "You are not allowed to say that to me. You are not allowed to come to my work place to tell me that you miss me and..." I didn't want to say the other word. "Did you think you were doing me a favour with this inconvenience?"

He looked away for a second before making eye contact again. He clenched his jaw and said, "I still love you, Rosé."

"But I don't love you, Marc!"

After saying his name, all went to hell. I bit my lip, forcing myself not to cry. I've been avoiding his name for so long, I didn't even want to mention it or hear it. He was the ex husband I was supposed to forget about. He wasn't supposed to be Marc, the guy I was in love with for all of my life.

"Please, just leave," I said. "I don't care if you have something to say to me. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to see you ever again."

"You can't really mean that... We were supposed to end up together, Rosie." Hearing him call me by my nickname tore me apart. It made me so frustrated that I wanted to scream at him but I couldn't. "We were supposed to love each other until death do us part. Through the good and the bad. We promised each other."

"We made a lot of promises, and you broke every single one of them. Now, leave, before I call security," I said and made my way to the door.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

Ugh, I hated the fact that I stopped in my tracks.

"I'm sorry for everything I did. It was selfish, I know, and there's absolutely no excuse. But this past year without you, I've gotten time to reflect and to realize we we've rushed into this too fast."

"Have you gotten to realize how much you've hurt me?" I asked as I turned back around to stare at him. "What you did... You made me feel worthless that I couldn't have children. You broke my trust and humiliated me. You've never considered how I felt about anything, you only ever focused on what you've done wrong. Keep telling yourself you're not the bad guy. Apologize all you want and make all the excuses in the world, but I will never forgive you."

I turned to leave for real this time, and him calling my name didn't stop me again. I walked out of the room and into the hallway, feeling like all eyes were on me. It wasn't the stares that bothered, it was the feeling of judgement. Whether people were actually judging me or not, that I didn't know, but as soon I reached my car in the parking garage, there were a few reporters swarming me. I didn't have security down here so I had to bear with it, covering my eyes from the flashes that made me dizzy.

"Rosé, since when were you and your ex husband talking again?"

"Did you know he was going to be here tonight?"

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