40. War of Arcane

Start from the beginning

Then grasping the enormous beast in his mighty arms, and avoiding its powerful claws, he demolished it enduringly until he'd choked it to death and crashed it down with a whack.

The spectators were all hyped-up by now as they started hooting.

"Wow! That was actually...impressive." King Harold who was watching the whole ruckus like a source of his entertainment, spoke in amusement. "It is going to be so much fun ahead."

With a loud gasp for air, and ignoring his aching muscles, Jungkook perked up, anticipating the second creature or whatever he was about to encounter.

On the command of the general, the gate was once again elevated up.

Through the dark tunnel behind the gate, there slithered a three-headed snake. It took a few seconds for the creature's body to fully crawl out due to its never-ending length.

Jungkook swallowed dryly as the limbless reptile hovered above him, completely shading his comparatively small form beneath. It had unbelievably vibrant sapphire blue-pigmented skin which was fragmenting its long body into innumerable honeycomb scales.

Jungkook eyed the reptile's three pairs of ruby eyes, which summed up in a total of six and they looked more menacing than ever. Gulping his fear, he put on a stern expression, although cold sweat was running down his forehead due to the huge snake close by.

The super-strength holder gawked at the serpent that curled itself around him in a circle. He first stood frozen at his spot, thinking that one small movement would trigger it.

It would be a lie to say if Jungkook wasn't taken aback when he witnessed that the middle head of the reptile breathed fire. Due to this Jungkook tossed to the edge, avoiding the blazing flames. He accidentally bumped his right shoulder with one of the gates in the process, causing the fresh blood to trickle down his arm.

Just as Jungkook regained himself, he chugged at the sight when the giant snake start lunging towards him with all of its three heads, its yellow-tinted fangs bared venomously. Leaping high up in the air, he barely prevented himself from getting bitten but somehow ended up landing on the top of the snake's middle head.

Jungkook struggled as the venomous snake shook its head violently in order to make him fall over of it and just as it did, Jungkook lost his balance as its skin was moist and came to rest right at the creature's mouth.

He was now trapped between its powerful jaw, and its hissing tongue was perilously close to him. But he was assured of one thing that he couldn't let the snake close its mouth that was needed to release another round of smoldering fire.

As the crawler squirmed, Jungkook used his strength as he harshly pulled out its fangs from its mouth, resulting in the creature grunting with an unusual shriek. Taking this as an opportunity, he landed a few strong kicks at its head, without caring if he was harming its eyes or jaw or wherever, a sickening crunch reverberating.

Safely jumping back on the ground to his feet, Jungkook grabbed the snake from its sharp tail and before it could make another move, he tossed up the serpent's body in the air in circles and sent it flying across the arena. It collapsed right below King Harold's cubiculum, its long body twitched for one last time before becoming still.

"C'mon, where is your last one?" Jungkook was a little dizzy by that time as he took deep breaths.

"You're always in a hurry, aren't you?" King Harold smiled as he didn't seem bothered throughout everything that happened. "By the way, your strength is no joke, I must say."

"How about this?" A sly smirk crept up to King Harold's face as he shifted in his position.

Jungkook's eyes were shining brighter and clearer than ever as he clenched his teeth and balled his hands into fists when the same gate lifted for the third and final time.

At first, Jungkook was bewildered as no one really showed up. Then there walked something, through the dark and when it came into his view, he had to do a double-take because he was looking at...

At himself.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's really been a long time. I really don't know how to compensate for this much delay. Hope you understand me and continue with this story till the end which is actually not that far.

I  💜 you!

I  💜 you!

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