Fallen - 03x10

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"What about Clarke?" These three words triggered a lot of feelings I tried to hide from myself. A few days ago, Clarke didn't show up when we were waiting for her to return to Arkadia. It made me feel like a loser, like she chose Lexa over me, which she actually did. And now Bellamy says Lexa's dead? I don't know how I'm supposed to feel, probably sad. "Clarke made her choice", Octavia says still disappointed and angry. I can't blame her. She just saw Lincoln getting killed. I guess we both lost someone we cared about.


"Monty?" Kane, Octavia and I set foot in our old camp, the dropship with Bellamy as a hostage. Monty called us on the radio asking for help because Pike found out he helped us escape Arkadia. "We got here first", Kane says while still pointing his gun at Bellamy. "No we didn't." Octavia holds her blade against her brother, ready to slit his throat. I should say something but Bellamy's not exactly my favourite person. "Get outside! Now!" Octavia yells at an invisible enemy. We all watch the door closely and finally Monty comes out, followed by Pike with his gun.

I immediately point my gun at him, ready to shoot on Kane's mark. Suddenly Pike's people are shooting at our feet causing Kane to throw his gun on the ground. "Put your gun down", he nods at me. "Sir, I don't think this is a good idea..." I start but he interrupts me. "Put your gun down." At the sound of his demanding voice I give up and throw my gun away too. Octavia glances angry at me before getting locked in an iron grip by Bellamy.

"You got about 5 seconds to make me believe you're still with me", Pike says. "All the others are in a cave not far from here", Bellamy reveals the hidden location of our friends. Why am I not surprised. "You son of a bitch!" Octavia tries to hit her brother again, but gets struck by one of those electric sticks they used for the reapers. "Octavia!" I yell, ready to attack Bellamy. He's quicker and punches me hard in the stomach.

We're walking to the hidden cave with our hands tied and a cloth in our mouths. Apparently Bellamy is not as good as a warrior he thinks he is because he's leading us the wrong way. We're awfully close to the blockade when we hear a horn blowing. Suddenly everything happens in a rush. "Drop your weapon!" "We bring you chancellor Pike of the Sky People. Take him. Lift this blockade." The grounders kill Pike's people and in the chaos Octavia tries to stab him with a knife. Kane and I rush forward to stop her. "The Grounders are gonna need him alive. They didn't get justice for Finn. We won't get away with that again." He glances shortly at me. I know it's my fault they didn't get their justice. He was killed because I didn't pay attention.

"I'm going back to Polis with the grounders. Do you want to come?" Kane approaches me with sympathy in his eyes. Polis. Clarke. "No, sir, I'll stay here with the rest and keep them safe", I shake my head. "Okay. Tell Abby I'll look out for Clarke." He nods before walking away. "Sir?", I say and he turns back around. "Thank you."

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