20. The wine dude

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It still amazed me how fast the Hunter's finished packing up their camp. It must have been the enchanted tents because it wasn't long until they were all packed up and were waiting for Apollo. 

I was not eager to meet Apollo for the first time again. Sure, he's a cool guy and an even cooler god, but his haikus make me want to jump off a cliff. I thought he was supposed to be the god of poetry.

We were waiting in the clearing from the fight with Dr Thorn, facing the edge of the cliff. Artemis looked out towards the horizon as if she was waiting for something.

The air was chilly, the wind flowing into my jacket every time it blew in our direction. Thalia and Grover were shivering as they approached me but I didn't find it to be that cold. Must have been a Son of Poseidon thing.

'So,' Thalia said as she rubbed her arms for warmth. 'What did Lady Artemis want with you?'

I simply shrugged, 'She asked me about what Thorn said. Wanted another perspective I guess.' 

I didn't even mention the last part of our conversation. I didn't know why Artemis thought I knew Zoë. She couldn't read minds...could she? It would be really bad if Artemis could read my thoughts. I just hoped that wasn't the case. 

'And Bianca?' Thalia nodded to where she was standing, already donning her Hunters uniform. 'She joined didn't she?'

I sighed and nodded in response.

'It's all Zoë's fault,' Thalia spat out in disgust. 'That stuck-up, no good-'

'Who can blame her?' Grover sighed with a dreamy look on his face. 'Eternity with Artemis?'

I laughed and clapped him in the back. 'I don't think it's a good idea to think about her like that. I know you're half-goat and all, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to a full animal.'

'But she's so...into nature.' Grover continued like he hadn't even heard me.

Thalia rolled her eyes, 'You're nuts.'

'Nuts and berries,' he said with a stupid smile on his face. 'Yeah.'

The sky started to lighten a few minutes later as dawn approached. Apollo will show up at the first crack of dawn, which is very soon.

'About time,' Artemis muttered in slight irritation. 'He's so-o-o lazy during the winter.'

I, along with everyone else, looked over to the first bit of light that lit up the early morning sky. Just as the sun was about to peer over the horizon, there was a bit of light. Suddenly, the cold air rose in temperature and warmed me to my bones.

'Don't look,' the voice of Artemis warned. 'Not until he parks.' 

But I had already looked away. Even with my eyes closed and my back turned, I could tell the light was very bright. The light was slowly getting brighter and the brighter it got, the hotter it became. The heat had gotten so intense, it felt like my clothes were burning off my skin. 

The heat disappeared as quickly as it came. The light faded away. Deeming it safe to look, I turned to see a glowing Maserati Spyder. Even after so long, I still wanted that as my car. Not the sun chariot, but the actual car itself. I don't think I would ever want the sun chariot.

The driver's door swung open and Apollo stepped out, smiling as brightly as ever. Literally having the body of a Greek god, Apollo walked up to our group in his teenage form, still smiling widely despite the annoyed glances aimed towards him from the Hunters. Apollo, in his jeans and loafers and a sleeveless t-shirt, strutted over to greet Artemis.

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