23. I realise I am a threat

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I arrived at the dining pavilion not long after with a backpack slung over my shoulders. Weirdly enough, I was the first one there.

I was sitting on the Poseidon table when the first of my quest mates showed up. To say the least, I was surprised.


'Hi,' she waved to me.

Bianca was dressed for a hunt. She wore the usual Hunter's attire: a silver parka fitted with jeans and a silver pack. There were hunting knives strapped to her thigh and although I couldn't see her bow and arrows, I knew they could be summoned in an instant. 

'What are you doing here?' I demanded.

'Those insufferable twins poisoned Phoebe with that T-shirt,' Zoë spat as she walked in with an identical silver bag over her shoulders. 'Bianca was the only one awake. It seems that she wanted to wish us luck before we left.'

'And, now what?' I was starting to get slightly anxious. 'You just decide to bring her along?'

'There is no other option,' Zoë narrowed her eyes at me. 'We need the best for this quest and a half-asleep demigod or Hunter is definitely not the best.'

Zoë and I glared at each other, neither willing to back down. I was pretty sure we would have gotten into a fight if Bianca hadn't stepped between us.

'Woah, guys,' she said. 'Calm down. We don't need a fight right now.'

'You shouldn't be on this quest,' I muttered.

'You don't get to decide that, Percy,' Bianca said calmly. 'This is Zoë's quest and she chose me. And plus, this is a great way to prove myself to the Hunt.'

I pursed my lips. That sounded too similar to what Zoë had said last time. 

'She is right,' Zoë turned to look at me. 'And if you do not like it, thou can always stay here.'

She looked at me challengingly and I had no choice but to back down.

At that exact moment, Thalia and Grover walked into the dining pavilion.

'Hey guys,' Thalia stopped short when she saw us. 'Why is Bianca here?'

Zoë explained everything again to Thalia and Grover as I grumbled on the side. There was no part of me that wanted Bianca on this quest. Not because of her skill, but because of the prophecy.

One shall be lost in the land without rain. 

I really hope that it won't be Bianca this time. I would make sure of it. I shuddered just thinking about what happened last time.

'Alright,' Thalia shrugged as she grinned at Bianca. 'Welcome aboard.'

'Are you sure this is a good idea?' Grover asked Zoë nervously. 'I mean, shouldn't we bring someone more experienced? No offence, Bianca.'

'None taken.'

'It's going to be fine, goat boy,' Thalia smirked at Bianca. 'Just don't die.' she said jokingly.

Zoë ended up driving the van. Thalia insisted on driving but the huntress wouldn't budge. Thalia mentioned that she looked closer to sixteen than Zoë but her argument was that she had about two centuries of driving experience. 

Zoë won. Personally, I would have picked Thalia. Not because of Zoë's decision to bring Bianca. Not at all.

Zoë had to have the patience of the Goddess of Patience, if there even was one. The only thing she did was drive non-stop. The only reason she even stopped at Maryland for a break, which was about five hours into the trip, was because Thalia and I kept irritating her.

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