9. We're too young to be in a casino

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It wasn't long until we arrived back at the diner. We stepped onto the diner parking lot and Ares was already waiting for us. It took me so much willpower not to go up to him and smack that smug grin right off his face with his own shield.

But I didn't do that. Because I didn't want to die.

'Well, well,' Ares said with that annoying grin of his, 'You didn't get yourself killed.'

I bit my tongue, 'Yeah, yeah. Whatever.'

I shoved the shield in his arms, all the while glaring at him. I could hear Annebeth catch her breath behind me.

'Here's your stupid shield,' I snapped at the god. 'Now, can we go on our actual quest?'

There was a few seconds of silence. The only sound that could be heard was the little bell above the door whenever someone entered or exit the diner. Surprisingly, Ares somehow controlled his temper and responded with nothing more than a smirk.

Ares grabbed the edge of his shield and swung it over his back before attaching it to a strap. Before my eyes, the shield shimmered and a bulletproof vest melted into existence already on Ares' body.

'You see that truck over there?' Ares pointed with his chin. 'That's your ride. Take you straight to L.A., with one stop in Vegas.'

I looked behind me and scowled. I had hoped I would never see that truck again.

'I'm not getting on some zoo transport truck.' I said to Ares shaking my head.

Now it was Ares' turn to scowl, 'Free ride west, punk. Stop complaining. And here's a little something for doing the job.'

Ares tossed me a blue nylon bag which I caught easily. When the bag landed in my hands, my eyes widened. It was the exact same backpack I've seen on Luke's back in my dream. It was also the backpack that held the Master Bolt last time.

I opened the bag to check for a weapon that wasn't there and only saw fresh clothes, a small amount of mortal cash, a small pouch of golden drachmas and a bag of Oreos.

If only the Oreos were blue, I would have actually accepted the 'gift'.

'We already have-' 

'Thank you for your generosity, Lord Ares,' Grover said interrupting me. His eyes flitted towards me, giving me a look that told me to keep my mouth shut. 'Thanks a lot.'

I hesitantly zipped my mouth and slung the blue backpack over the one already on my back. Ares was looking down on us in smug satisfaction. My hand twitched. I was itching to put my sword through his groin. Maybe stab his ankle again.

'You better get going, punk,' Ares said before he snapped his fingers, the back door of the truck popped open. 'You miss this ride, you'll fall behind.'

With that, Ares walked to his motorcycle and was revving down the street a minute later. I could still feel his aura lingering in the area, making me want to punch something. I looked back towards the diner just in time to see the small flash of a camera in the hands of a cook. I cursed softly and two guys by the cash register caught my eye. I couldn't read what the words at the back of their shirts said but I could recognise that white logo anywhere. 

'Guys, we need to go,' I said pointing to the two animal traffickers. Just thinking about the animals trapped in the back of the truck made my blood boil.

Annabeth turned to where I was looking and her eyes widened, 'You're right. Come on Grover.'

Grabbing Grover by the hand, we sprinted across the street and entered the back of the truck before closing the door behind us.

Do-over (A Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum