21. I fight the lieutenant of the Hunt

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Dreams suck. A lot. Nightmares, even more so. But demigod dreams are on another level altogether. Throw in some interference from the Fates themselves and the dreams become ten times worse. 

When I fell asleep after dinner, I was immediately sent into a dream. My consciousness was placed in a dark cavern. It felt like being in the Underworld but I knew I wasn't down there. One, I knew what this dream meant. Two, I could see Annabeth in front of me.

'Thorn!' she shouted into the darkness, trying to get someone's attention. 'Where are you? Why did you bring me here?'

I felt like if Annabeth wasn't as panicked as she was, she would critique the Hades out of the architecture of this place. Not that there was much to critique anyway. Half the room was on the ground.

I followed as Annabeth climbed over a fallen part of a stone wall and came upon the crest of a hill. I looked mournfully at the sight that fell upon our eyes.

Annabeth gasped. Luke, in obvious pain, gained Annabeth's full attention. 

My back ached just looking at the swirling funnel of dark clouds that rested on Luke's shoulders. The feeling of the sky on my back came rushing back to me, the memory of the pain and torture was placed on my shoulders.

'Annabeth!' Luke cried out, his face contorted in an expression of pure pain. 'Help me! Please!'

She ran forward.

I could see the glistening tears in Annabeth's eyes. I watched as a hand reached forward as if it wanted to touch Luke, but she drew it back.

 'What happened?' she said cautiously.

'They left me here,' Luke's voice sounded strained. 'Please, It's killing me.'

At those words, his back hunched some more as the weight of the entire sky seemed to push down harder.

'And why should I trust you?' Annabeth said, her voice filled with hurt and betrayal.

'You shouldn't,' Luke replied. 'I've been terrible to you. But if you don't help me, I'll die.'

Don't! I wanted to scream. It's a trap!

But I couldn't. I was only a spectator, an observer. I was not allowed to interact with what happens in my dreams.

The funnel of clouds spun more furiously, chunks of black rock rained down from the ceiling somewhere above the darkness. Out of instinct, Annabeth rushed forward and took the weight of the sky just as Luke had started to collapse.

I watched in horror as Annabeth bore the weight of the sky all by herself. Luke, who had collapsed by her feet, rolled free from under the burden.

'Thanks,' he said breathlessly.

'Help me hold it.' Annabeth managed to say.

Luke didn't respond straight away. He stayed on the ground gathering his breath, getting used to not being under the sky again. I knew the feeling. It was only after a while until he rose again, albeit shakily. 

'I knew I could count on you,' Luke said as he began walking away.

'HELP ME!' Annabeth pleaded.

'Oh don't worry,' I couldn't see his face in the darkness but I would bet a million drachmas that he was smiling. 'Your help is on the way. It's all part of the plan. In the meantime, try not to die.'

Luke walked away as the dark clouds weighed Annabeth down, threatening to crush her. I prepared myself to wake up but that was not the case. Instead of finding myself in my cabin, I found myself following Luke out of the area and away from where Annabeth was struggling under the sky, no matter how hard I tried to stay.

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