Chapter 9 - Pampering yourself with food

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Thai Crab Omelette

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Thai Crab Omelette

The Raccoon beastmen were on their way to hunt but today, they take the shortcut and were a little bit lost . Don't know if they are lucky or not because they are stuck between aroma trap set by Achara. It a blessing to smell it but you could only smell and not eat it.
" smell so good, i am hungry. One of the beastmen stated. As this is not their territory it would not be a good idea to roam around. " How I wish I could go and eat whatever that food of that aroma is"

The last dish is called Tom kha , a well known soup in thailand. She cannot wrong herself by eating rice dryly without soup of course.
There 's barely chicken in this beast world and she had to make do with a turkey instead. " Well, i guess turkey will do too" she shrugged. She sliced the soft turkey meat into a smaller size. Then she pour, turkey stock to the fire pot. When the heat is just right, she added the already pounded lemongrass, kalanga, red onion to further improve the flavour. In addition she also does not forgot to plus fish sauce, sugar to mantain the sweet- sour taste. Coconut milk was also a must to contribute for Tom Kha, thus she pour it when in medium heat. Last, but not least, Achara throw the sliced tomatoes, mushroom, lime leave, chilli,onion and cilantro in the last minutes as vegetable is easily boiled unlike the meat which prevent the vegetables from over boiling. When the soup is almost done, she squeezed the juicy acidic lime to the soup according to her taste.

 When the soup is almost done, she squeezed the juicy acidic lime to the soup according to her taste

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Tom Kha

Achara feel like this is not enough "Well, something is definately missing, Ahh , shrimp paste!! how could i forgot that ". Fortunately She already make shrimp paste freshly today. All she do was to fried a fish and added some boiled vegetables to pair with the shrimp paste.

 All she do was to fried a fish and added some boiled vegetables to pair with the shrimp paste

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Shrimp paste

She smiled a satisfied smile after cooking all of this. Now it time to savour her fruits of labour." All Done!! Time to enjoy my cooking" she wash her hands, scope some rice into a bowl and savour alone by herself. Right now she have long forgotten the existance of her god father who she plan to share her food .

She picked up laab and with its crunchy texture due to the rice powder and the fresh mint mixed within it give a refreshing flavour that complimented with the peppery spicy effect of the chilli. "mmm"
The green mango salad taste sour, hot and salty with a slight sweetness at the end. It is awesome if taste together with crisy catfish that had just warmly fried.
The fried egg was thick and tender with its golden outer color and can taste flavour of soft crab meat inside it.
She was so immense in eating that she forgot to left it for her adopted father then eat it all."Hmmp, I though i forgot something , what did i forgot? Nah, maybe i am too guarded these days"
Next , she continue to take a slip of tom kha soup while it is still hot sending warmth from her throat down to her stomach with it sour, spicy flavor. " Just perfect."
While she was almost done with the eating she heard a knock on the front. "
"Damn it! Who might it be at this time of the day." she sigh in frustration. She quickly disguise herself as a boy, then with her perfect smiles open the door. " The moment she see who the person was in the front, her eyes widen and she slammed the door shut. " Oh no ! " she shouted inside her mind with a panic expression.


Author Note : Sorry for the late update.🙏

Hi! to all the readers who patiently read this far. I am thankful for your support and without you guys , i would not write this far.

Since writing cooking theme is not what i am familiar with, I would like to know your though on this chapter. Was it kind of boring? just Ok? Or interesting?

Honestly, I am not familiar with any theme but cooking theme just have a charm to make me feel anxious.
Updated on 14 October 2021

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