Lia collided with Sirius and Harry in her hurry and had them tumble down the rock.

"Stay away from the archway!" She yelled at the two sweat stricken faces.

"What- what are you doing here?" Harry stammered, almost breathless.

"Told you, how you can't win if I don't fight by your side" she winked at him before standing up with her wand in front of her.

A few death eaters seemed to be targeting Sirius, as Lia and Harry fought beside him.

As Bellatrix tried to throw another killing curse at Sirius, Lia pulled him down as she whispered the incantation.

"Petrificus Totalus"

Sirius went back, as he laid there frozen.

To others it seemed as if Bellatrix had killed Sirius Black, her own cousin. She had a pleased grin on her face as she cackled.

Lia quickly grabbed Harry to stop him from running over to Sirius and blowing up the cover.

Remus came to their aid, as he tried to pull Harry towards where the other children were.

Lia stayed near Sirius, who glared at her, but was unable to do anything else.

"Protego!" She yelled as Lucius Malfoy threw a spell at Remus.

"Cordelia" Lucius was momentarily taken back.

"Sorry" she apologised, "But I can't let you do that" she added, not throwing a spell.

Lucius, turned away as Lia did the same when she saw Harry running after Bellatrix Lestrange.

"NO!" Lia moved forward but was stopped when a spell missed her by inches.

It was Rudulphous Lestrange.

He grinned maliciously at her, as he got ready to fire another spell.

"Big mistake" she gritted as she sent a hex his way. Which he deflected.

The spells being thrown back and forth were intense. One slip and Lia would be dead.

Wordlessly using the disarming spell, she sent a stunning spell his way, which was deflected by Lucius.

"Going to fight me uncle?" She glared.

"You're a traitor!" He yelled before he threw a spell her way.

While Lucius and Lia were in a duel, Rodolphus picked up his wand and aimed a killing curse at her.

Remus acted quickly and pulled her aside, barely missing the spell himself.

Lia's grey eyes turned stone cold and the next thing everyone heard was Rodolphus Lestrange's agonising scream.


His screams gave Moody and Shackelbolt the opportunity to seize the other death eaters in a strong body binding curse.

"You'll learn not to mess with a Black" Lia spit out as she kicked at his face, breathing heavy.

Turning around, she ran out, closely followed by the others.

Running into the long corridor that was lined with fireplaces for floo network.

She saw Voldemort clad in black robes before he vanished into thin air.

Before Cordelia could reach for Harry, he grunted and fell down.

Lia slowly inched closer to him, as Dumbledore leaned over him.

"You've lost old man" his voice sounded horse and not like him at all. His eyes were glazed and red.

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