"Where are you going?" the Samoan demanded.

"To work."


"Yes, Joe. Work. I still have a job, remember? One where I'm not afforded the luxury of skipping whenever I want."

"What does that mean? That I'm skipping my job? You think I wanna be here?" Joe questioned angrily, pointing at himself.

Sasha kept up the patient tone. "I didn't say that."

"At least you get to go out," he complained. "I'm stuck here with nothing to do. I can't work out and I'm bored to death."

"This is only a temporary setback, babe. It's not the end of the world." They were starting to sound like broken records. They'd had different variations of this conversation for about a week straight now.

Joe took a sip of his water. "When are you gonna be back?"

"A little later than usual. I'm going to see Pam after work. She hasn't been feeling well and I haven't had time to see her."

"Because of me, right?"


"You haven't had time to see her because of me," said Joe.

Sasha frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"You think I'm a burden, don't you?"

That did it for her. "Are you fuckin' serious? When have you ever heard me say that?"

"You don't have to say it. It's written all over your face." His tone was accusing. "Like my injury is keeping you from doing other things, keeping you here against your will. Is that how you feel?"

Jesus. Turning away, Sasha pinched the bridge of her nose, almost afraid to respond and say something she would regret. "I can't really do this right now. I'm late for work." She glared at him. "Am I free to go or do you wanna interrogate me some more?"

The two glowered at each other like some kind of awkward Mexican standoff, neither budging an inch until Joe returned his attention to the plasma screen TV. "See you later," he grumbled.

She left quickly. He was becoming more unbearable with each passing day.


Time went by quickly at the Grill, and afterwards she went to see Pam as planned. Her friend had been sick for a while now and it was starting to worry Sasha. She knew Pam hated going to the Doctor and if she hadn't by now she would drag her to one right away.

Pam was in a right state. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were blotchy and red, but it was the devastated expression on her pretty face that alarmed the mother of two. "Jesus. What happened to you?" she asked, pushing into the apartment.

Pam paced back and forth in the middle of her living room, and Sasha could tell she'd been doing it for a long time. "I can't believe this is happening," she murmured. "I can't believe the mess I'm in!"

"What mess? What is happening?" inquired Sasha, as Pam continued to pace and mutter to herself. "Goddamn it Pamela, stop that! You scare me when you do that. Tell me what's going on!"

Forcing herself to a halt for her friend's sake, Pam had fresh tears in her eyes. "I just got back from the Doctor's appointment." Her voice shook as she swallowed hard. She could not believe she was about to say this. It still didn't feel real. "Sasha, I...I'm pregnant."

Sasha's eyes widened. "Huh?"

Pam glared at her. "Did I stutter? I'm four weeks pregnant. I finally went for my check up this morning and this is what the fuck popped out. See why I hate going to the Doctor? They're always bound to spring some fuckin' surprise outta fuckin' nowhere!"

Into The Deep End - A Roman Reigns StoryWhere stories live. Discover now