Chapter 20

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"Torres" Mark called as he came down the hall making his way to the office door behind the nurses station on the OR floor.

"Kinda busy here Mark what is it?"
She said in a tired tone as she wrote in her patient chart.

"In here for just second." He called to her as he opened the door and walked in.

Callie rolled her eyes and sighed as she followed him into the office as she entered Mark was closing the blinds.

"And the blind and closed because" Callie asked all wide eyed.

"I need to show you something." Mark answered as the closed the blind on the door

"Woah if it's anything below the belt  Sienna can check it out."

Mark sighed while shaking his head "no it nothing like that" he said as he pulled out a square box with a pink bow out of his pocket.

Callies eyes widened as Mark opened the box to reveal a gold necklace the a emerald green diamond heart on it.

"Oh Mark it's gorgeous she is going to love it. How did you think of it?"

A smile of pride appeared on Marks face "I noticed that Sienna never wore a necklace daily so I asked her about it and she said she had one a few years ago with an S on it her mom bought it to her but she lost it at Hopkins and she hasn't wore one since. So I thought I'd get her one but i wanted one to match her eyes."

"I just can't believe Mark Sloan has a girlfriend and he is buying her a valentines present" Callie sighed with happiness.

"What can I say Torres I'm smitten with her. She has put me back together again." Mark said as he closed the box and put it back into his pocket.

"You two were really made for each other Mark" Callie said as she opened the blinds. 

"Thanks Torres. I've surgery I've fifteen minutes I better get going." Mark said as he left with the biggest smile on his face.


"TIME OF DEATH 15:22" Sienna said as she ripped he mask off as the tears filled her eyes

"O'Malley close for me." She said as she took her head lamp off and headed to the scrub room.

Her patient Tyler Caddel was knocked down crossing the road as he was going to collect an engagement ring he bought for his girlfriend.

He had told Sienna all about his girlfriend and of much he loved her and how he was planning of proposing to her tomorrow at the airport as she got of her plane from Florida after a trip to visit her sister.

This patient really affected Sienna. She couldn't imagine the pain Tyler's girlfriend was going to feel when she heard the news and hoped she would never have to hear the news that the man she loved was dead.

Sienna quickly scrubbed out and exited the scrub room. She knew Mark was in surgery and all she wanted to do was to go sit in the gallery until he was done.

She ran up the the stairs still wearing her scrub cap and ran into the gallery as the tears slowly strolled down her cheeks. She took a seat in the back row. She started to calm down a little when she seen Mark.

"Hey" Callie said as she sat down beside the neurosurgeon who was sitting with her knees tight to her chest wiping the tears away from the cheeks. Callie knew she needed cheering up.

"We need to create you an imaginary boyfriend." She whispered to Sienna.

Sienna let out a small laugh "What? Calliope Torres did I just hear you right?"

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