Chapter 15

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Sienna and Mark sat drinking their coffee in the attending's lounge "I can't believe we actually got to sleep last night with only being paged for consults" Sienna said as she searched through her bag for her phone charger

"ah there it is wait till you see how many texts I have once this turns on again. I'm so glad today is my parents last day here."

Mark just watched Sienna as she moved around the room with a spring in her step.

"Sloan and Connors I'm guessing you heard about Dr Turner our ortho attending retires today we had been advertising for a new ortho attending and we found one yesterday."

"I thought maybe you would have waited for Callie to become an attending in July." Mark said,

"Even if we did, we could still be an attending down."

"So, when does this new attending start?" Sienna asked as she looked at her texts.

"Today" A tall muscular man with sand coloured hair at the door appeared.

Sienna glanced up from her phone barely looked at the man until it dawned on her she looked up again she put her phone down and ran over jumping into this guy's arms.

Marks eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Si? Sienna?" Mark questioned her.


"Ahh I can't believe it I just can't believe it we have always dreamed of working together since the day I graduated,"

Sienna said as she brought new ortho attending into the room.

"You know I've been trying to move from St David's for years and when my ma told me you moved to Seattle to work, I kept my eye out for a job up here and as my luck would have it here I am." Sienna just squealed with happiness.

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you there the name is Justin Walsh I am Sienna's cousin," Justin said as he stretched out his hand to Mark.

Mark breathed out a sigh of relief when he heard the word cousin come out of Justin's mouth.

"Nice to meet you Mark Sloan head of plastics"

"The Mark Sloan best plastic surgeon on the east coast."

"the very one," Sienna told her cousin

"Justin do you know my parents are in town?"

"yeah, I got a call from them last night they said you were doing the night shift or something."

"no, I was the neuro attending on-call last night"

"yeah she volunteered for the third night in a row" the chief called from the door.

"she is hiding from her mother sir. Aunt Deana can be a little overbearing sometimes."

"sometimes? Try living with the woman for 16 years."

"Dr Walsh your scrubs are in the bottom locker and the pin is 4781, and I'm sure Connors will show you around today"

"thank you chief." Justin grabbed his scrubs and went into the bathroom to change.

Sienna's phone start ringing, she ran over to answer it. "it's my mother. Hey ma what's wrong,"

"nothing is wrong did anything happen this morning."

"yes, Justin just arrived ten minutes ago."

"how do you feel? I know you and Justin always wanted to work together."

"it's really great ma it really is."

Mark's pager went off. "the pit" his whispered he ran over kissed Sienna before Justin came out. "see you later." Sienna whispered as she covered her phone.

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