Chapter 18

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"Hey you joining me" Sienna looked over her shoulder as she zipped up her ankle boot. Mark was leaning against the bathroom door with his arms crossed over his bare muscular chest.

Sienna let out a little laugh "tempting but no I'm going in early to talk to the chief."
She stood up and fixed her hair in the mirror she couldn't be bothered to braid it today so she just put it in a low bun leaving some curls down to frame her face.

"Offer still stands you know." Mark said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Ok I'll make a deal if we are both free before lunch I'll met you in an on call room ." "Deal now give me a kiss to keep me going until then."

Sienna turned her head and gave him a kiss over her shoulder.

She grabbed her work bag and left and before she closed the front door she called back "love you"

"Love you too" Mark called from the bathroom. As he leaned up against the bathroom sink he couldn't believe how lucky he was to be in love with such an amazing woman.


Sienna headed straight for the chiefs office. "Hey Patricia is the chief in" Sienna asked as she passed her in the hall.

"Yes Dr Connors he's in there go on in." Patricia said with a big smile on her face with a huge bundle of paperwork in her arms.



"Connors come in what's going on you ok? Take a seat"

"Thank you chief I'm fine. I've been thinking ever since the other day since you called us all together. I've been adjusting the teaching method I was going to roll out in Hopkins if I stayed on. It needed to changed in a few places I want to know how you feel about it?" Sienna said as she took a booklet of pages from her bag and handed it to the chief. The title of the booklet was

The Connors Method Of Teaching In The OR

The chief smiled as he started to read through the first pages. "Your the only one that has acted on my words Connors."

The chief was half way through the booklet when he lifted the phone "I'm paging Derek he has to read this. Connors this is what I want my attendings to do and much more."

"Thank you sir."

The chief was on the last few pages of the booklet when Derek walked in. "Chief you paged" "Shepherd you need to read this."

"Hey Si what is it?" "Hey Derek"

"The best teaching plan I've read that's was it is and Connors has come up with it."

Derek read the first few pages and the biggest smile appeared on his face. "This is genius Sienna. Is this why you needed my lab the last few days?"

"Yes I've been changing a few parts of the original copy for it to include things I've learned here."

"Connors how are you with public speaking? The chief asked. "As used to it as the President of the United States is sir."

"Good I want to present this tomorrow morning to everyone in the auditorium I'm going to get Patricia to do me few copies of this plan."

"That fine with me sir. If you don't mind I'm going to go get ready for your meeting now." Sienna said while looking at her watch.

"That's fine Connors I'll see you later."

She lifted her bag and walked out. "See you later Si" Derek called after her.

"That girl's has her head on her shoulders" "she does Richard I'm glad she came here. She's just proven she cares as much about teaching as she does for her patients and I've seen her fight tooth and nail for them."

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