Chapter 14

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Sienna got paged to the pit. "Dr Connors over here," Lexie called.

"Jefferey Kovach, 61 fell off a ladder while cleaning his parents' roof no major injuries just a broken arm that Dr Torres is coming to look at. Could you give him a neuro exam, he has a headache since arriving."

"ok, Mr Kovach I'm just going to give you a quick neuro exam follow my finger for me" Sienna moved her finger around. She grabbed her penlight out of her pocket.

"ok follow the light for me sir just with your eyes try not moving your head." Jefferey kept blinking and squinting.

"Ok, fine sir could you squeeze my hands for me." Jefferey squeezed them really strongly. "good ok just for precaution Dr Grey is going to take you for a CT, bring me the scan once it's done Dr Grey, I'm up in the east wing lobby charting." Sienna said to Lexie


At the east wing lobby, Sienna sat looking through charts while updating the computer patient files. Derek walked up to her with a chart in hand.

"how's the trial going Derek?"

"It's going ok we lost another patient last night and now the patient we have today we have we are waiting for her boyfriend to arrive, but her sister doesn't he believe exists."

"That's a tough one"

"I hear you have a spinal fusion today." "yes, I do Mark is joining me cause the patient has some nerve damage in her spine."

Just then Rose ran up to Derek. "Okay, the sex--I thought that was mind-blowing myself, but I get the impression that you had a really bad time."

Sienna just looked up at Rose.


"Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm--I'm sorry. I-I lost a patient. I'm not trying to avoid you."

"So not calling me after the sex is you being a dedicated lifesaver?"

"It is." Just then Mark walked up to the desk

"So I'll see you later?"

Sienna breathed out a sigh of relief when Rose walked away.

"You didn't call her?"

"When was the last time you called a woman after having sex?" Mark looked down at Sienna subtly

"Yeah, well, that's gonna change. I'm turning over a new leaf."

"I'll believe that when I see it," Sienna said while typing on the computer.

"What was wrong with the old leaf? So, they called you a whore? You're a happy guy."

"Walter Tapley needs a double valve replacement, and Hahn refuses to give it to him." the chief said as he walked up to the desk

"I can't believe you worked under Walter Tapley sir. I scrubbed in with him once the man is a miracle worker"

"when did you scrub in with Walter Tapley Si.?"

"At Hopkins, he came to do a quadruple bypass I was one of the residents chosen to scrub in with him," Sienna said with a wide smile on her face.

"What's Hahn's problem?"

"She thinks she's gonna kill him."

"lightweight." the three surgeons said in unison.

"Since when do surgeons turn me down?"

"It's her choice. She's the one opening him up".

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah."

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