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Nedrayal, a self-governing British crown dependency is a small island off the coast of Great Britain. This sinister island is home to 5,000 people. From the day it was first founded till today, this ill-fated isle has been subject to various disturbing events from grotesque murders to witch trials to UFO sightings.

This crown dependency was once home to the infamous satanist cult "de terra rouge". Founded by Seymor Martin - a French immigrant, in 1981. Though it was overlooked as a local gang of some wasted people just fooling around, what happened on the eventful night of 24th April 1986 changed the air surrounding this peculiar community. The residents of the island woke up the next day to a sight that haunted them for years to come. That day Nedrayalians mourned the loss of 100s of their people. When the sunset that Friday, what is left behind was an eternal void in hearts and minds. This became a vicious chapter of Nedrayal's history.

However heart-wrenching, it was neither the first nor the last ominous segment of Nedrayal's past. Yet this particular event is of immense significance as this was the first time that Nedrayal was in the National headlines. From then on it became the hub of many conspiracies which earned it the name " The Vicious Island".

The occurrence of eerie events significantly declined in the 21st century, but the alleged UFO sighting on 23rd May 2009 by Captain Mike Beresford put this land back in the headlines, this time Internationally. This further addition in the book of conspiracies surrounding Nedrayal proved as a blessing in disguise for its dwellers. The isle saw a mighty increase in tourists drawn in by the controversies, conspiracies, and curiosity; opening a window of economic opportunities for the locals.

With the flap of wings Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora