First Dates and Sweet Memories

Start from the beginning

With all his 'ands,' I could tell he was really nervous. My heart fluttered.

How thoughtful of him to go through all that. It was good to know my feelings for him were returned. And it felt nice to have someone care for me like this. It was something I wished my ex husband would've done—go through all this work just because he missed me.

"So since you've got the flowers and I got to see you, I'll let you get back to work," he said.

"You're leaving already?" I asked, a little disappointed he couldn't stay for longer but it was understandable since I still had work for the rest of the day.

"Did you want me to stay with you? I'm sure I'd be a burden," he laughed.

"Not that. You just forgot something."

"I did?"

"Mhm." I walked up to him and held his hand with my free one. We smiled at each other and I was staring at his lips as a hint.

"Ah, that's right... You look beautiful, Rosé. I forgot to tell you that."

I shook my head, "You forgot to kiss me, Asa." The blush returned to his cheeks and I pinched him dearly.

"I didn't know if you'd want me to."

"Just kiss me," I whispered and held the back of his neck for our lips to touch. It was short but incredibly sweet. I smiled after we parted and walked towards the door. "You might want to check your blush before you leave."

I left the room after seeing him put his hands on his cheeks and I went back to my office. I set the flowers down on my desk and resumed my work. I smiled at them every now and then, and thought of how cute Asa looked when he blushed. My heart beat quickly, thinking of our kiss. It was too bad I had work today. I'd spend all my time with him if I could. Wow, look at me... attachment issues already and we weren't officially together yet.

Being with Asa... It honestly sounded too good to be true. Not just the Asa part but finally moving on from my ex husband. Could this really be happening? No, not those thoughts again. I needed to stop overthinking. Being with Asa will be a good thing. It'll be okay.

After a long day of missing Asa, I went home by myself. Lisa was already home and he had a stack of papers on the kitchen table. I put my flowers down and when she saw me, her teasing began.

"Oooh~ Flowers? Who from, Rosie?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes playfully and couldn't stop smiling, "They're from Asa. What's with all this?" I asked to change the subject. I sat down next to her at the kitchen table and looked over the piles of paper before gasping, "You're opening a club?!"

Lisa smiled happily, "Yup! I thought it'd be fun so why not."

"But, Lisa... where did you get the money to do this? You're not a drug dealer on the side, are you?" I joked.

"No, nothing like that," Lisa said and slapped my arm, "Asa and I are opening a club. That's why we've been hanging around so much and going to clubs."

I nodded in understanding, "What kind of club are you opening? When will everything be finalized? What kind of alcohol-"

Lisa put up her hand to stop me, "All kinds. And when it opens in a few weeks, you can be the first to drink the night away."

I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek, "I love how well you know me," I said and left the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Getting changed," I answered from down the hall.

"Wear something nice for your date!" she yelled and I stopped walking. I turned my heel and walked back to her.

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