Chapter 33. Shaken Trust.

Start from the beginning

Silence fell in between the three of them. Y/n swallowed, worried she had upset them both now. Luck didn't seem to be on her side at the moment.

"So," King started, making Y/n return her attention to him instantly, "If you're being controlled, nothing you do is considered a sin?"

"That's..." Y/n sighed, throwing her head back in frustration, "Not what I meant." She denied the fact. Her hand going down to touch her marked arm without even realising it herself.

Of course being controlled wouldn't excuse everything you did. But every single thing couldn't be put on Hendrickson alone either. He did the best he could to protect his best friend, the one he cared so deeply for.

Y/n glanced to King, then to Meliodas. Her gaze lowered, falling to the ground. He had done everything in his power to protect the one he cared about the most. He turned everyone against him.

And if the time ever came, Y/n would be prepared to do the exact same thing.

"Anyway, who's this Fraudrin?" The question came from King, who once again had broken the uncomfortable silence. Something Y/n was thankful for.

"One of the Ten Commandments." Meliodas answered the question without a second thought. It was what it was. Meliodas was for the most parts, pretty open-minded and didn't always think twice before he spoke.

"Is that so? Right." King's eyes fell shut, "And those other two... Galand and Monspeet, right?" King didn't turn around, but his question was directed at Meliodas, "Tell me. Why is it that you know so much about the Ten Commandments, who were sealed away 3,000 years ago?"

A moment of silence went by. Y/n glanced at Meliodas, "What are you trying to say?"

"You're a member of the Demon Race just like them, aren't you?" King asked the blond without facing him.

Meliodas lowered his head, his eyes focused on the ground, "Hey!" Meliodas snapped his head up at the sound of wood clashing against each other. He looked up to be faced with Y/n's back.

Her arm held up in front of her, blocking the stick King used his hands to control while he levitated in the air, holding it from hitting Meliodas, "That's enough, King." She warned, holding the wooden stick tightly in her hand to keep it from slipping.

"And you're no better!" King gritted his teeth, glaring down at the girl protecting the Sin of Wrath, "The two of you have a lot of explaining to do. So please answer me when I ask, are you really our allies?" He narrowed his eyes, a thin layer of tears shining in them. He didn't like this at all, but he had to get answers. He needed them now more than ever, "Explain yourselves!"

"What's this?! They just started fighting all of a sudden!" Jenna shouted in frustration, watching the three through her glowing orb.

Looking over her shoulder, Gilthunder frowned at the image shown within the orb, "Lady Jenna, what's going on in there? Why would they-"

Jenna huffed, cutting the male off, "How should I know?!"

Y/n jumped and leaped, avoiding, blocking or dodging the wood that King made fly around, attempting to hit both her and Meliodas.

The blond stood still behind her, wanting to help, or at least defend himself, but Y/n'd already have deflected the attack by the time he had moved.

"I want you to answer me, Y/n!" King shouted, pulling the stick back up to his side.

Y/n lowered her own weapon a bit, but kept her guards up none the less, "That depends on what you'd define as an ally." She answered, standing her ground, "If you ever turn on my friends and my teammates, then I'm your enemy." She lowered her head a bit, chuckling, "That's all that really matters, isn't it?"

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