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Sammie, Sammie?! "What Lord, what do you want from me?! I can't do this anymore, I just can't", the young man shouted in pain.
Does the shepherd simply leave the sheep because it's wandered off a hundred times over? Doesn't he chase it down, till he finds it and brings it down to the rest of the flock?
Does a mother give up on tending to the baby because the baby has consistently made a mess?
Who gets affected the most, the sheep that wanders off or the shepherd who in haste chases after it and fights whatsoever trial he/ she has? Is it the mother who cleans after the baby or the baby who innocently makes a mess?
Let it be known that I would have left a long time ago because you have been pushing me away, but I will always chase after you in My Great Love.
I am that good shepherd that will chase you down, fight till you're found and will leave the 99 just for you, I am that good mother that won't get frustrated because you've made a mess, but with a great smile on my face, I will clean you up and ensure I put you back to where you are supposed to be.
I know it hurts and some days it gets to feel like you're alone but that does not mean I am not there with you.
Sammie come on you know I go way past a feeling, I AM NOT A FEELING THAT COMES AND GOES, I am He that has never left and never will. I love you and I want you no matter what; come back home.

Thank you for reading this episode. I pray it will speak to you to come back home where Daddy is waiting for you with arms wide open, will you accept the invite?
Lets also find out what Sammie will do in the next episode of Consistency: Diary Of A Priest.
#BUSASWAG 👑🏃‍♂️💯

CONSISTENCY: DIARY OF A PRIEST.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant