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He lifted up His hands with tears in His eyes and shouted, 'why did you let me go, why didn't you warn me about this Lord?, do you really love me as you say you do, if you did then you wouldn't have let me sleep that day".
The young man lamented as he blamed God for a predicament he put himself into.
At this hour, he was upset with God and tried to justify himself in whatever way he could.
So he tried to get back to God on his own terms by blaming Him for not signaling Him to pray.
The Lord looked at the young man with such great intent and hurt in His eyes, because the young man wanted to repent but he was too proud to admit that he had drifted all on his own.
The Lord reminded him of the times He tried to draw him away into prayer but the young man got even more angry and shouted out, "I BLAME YOU LORD, YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING. Now i feel useless because you let me drift away from you, this is your fault Lord".
At this time well if you're like me you must imagine the face the Lord put on at the sound of this but this didn't stop the young man from his relentless pursuit of the blame game.
The Lord was about to speak out in wrath but.....

Let's find out what the Lord's response will be in the next episode of CONSISTENCY: DIARY OF PRIEST .
#BUSASWAG 👑🏃‍♂️💯

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