27 like we always are

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*if you want to read something more of mine in the meantime check out my new book CRUSHING ON YOU*

*if you want to read something more of mine in the meantime check out my new book CRUSHING ON YOU*

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The morning comes without any other words being exchanged between Bishop and me, despite the fact that we sleep in the same room, him on the bed and me on the airbed he was kind enough to swell for me before placing it next to his bed. Which kind of makes me wonder where Sarah is sleeping when she stays over, and how truthful had Bishop been when he told there's nothing going on between the two of them. I don't know why it's bugging me so much either. I know what I feel isn't jealousy, not the romantic and possesive kind anyway because I don't feel that way about Bishop. So it shouldn't bother me. But it still does. 

 I'm not really surprised to wake up to an empty room when my alarm buzzes. Bishop is probably letting me process all the information he shared with me yesterday in the bathroom and it's not unusal for him to be up earlier than me. I like my sleep and I'm not a morning person so I like to drag it out as much as possible, even if it means I have to hurry like hell to make it to school on time. 

I get ready fast, not really bothering with stuff like make-up. Just my basic skincare, quickly brushing my hair, then teeth with the spare toothbrush I've had for a while here and make my way downstairs, my backpack slung over my shoulder, expecting to have an inevitable encounter with Bishop any second now. I know he's driving me to school but I'm not really sure how to approach this new situation. I'm mad and disappointed with him. And I don't feel like sharing a small talk with him after his last words to me yesterday. Mom is long past being fixable, I do know that, and I would have to know where she is in the first place in order to try to help her. Still, it doesn't hurt to keep trying. Not when she's the last person I have left. I don't have the luxury of having both parents alive, choosing one over the other. But I definitely don't want to fix Collin. Or do I? No. Letting someone know you care about them and be willing to stay beside them no matter what they go through isn't the same thing as wanting to fix them. 

My stance toward Collin has been different ever since I found out about his addiction, which was pretty understandable taking my mom into consideration but it's not like they are the same person. Collin isn't my mom. He has been clean for four weeks, since the accident and the little detox they put him on while being hospitalized, except his slip-up with weeding it out with Brad two weeks ago at my house. I know he's not perfect and maybe I shouldn't be putting so much faith in him all of a sudden but I believe him. He promised he'd fix it, whatever it means. I trust him on that one. And I understand where Bishop is coming from but he's wrong about Collin. 

Not that he's in any position to be assessing what kind of person Collin is or isn't , judging by the fact he's been going behind my back with his nonsense business endeavors. I mean, really? He could have gotten some sort of job, normal job, despite his schedule being tight because of the many hours he spends in the ice rink every single day, even on days when we don't have practice. Maybe he wouldn't earn as much but at least he wouldn't be in danger. Woldn't be doing something stupid and bound to ruin lives. . . He's kidding himself if he thinks he's better than Collin just because he's on the other side of the stick. A recovering addict vs. his occasional dealer.

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