Caleb laughed as Garroth put him down so he could waddle over to my father and I. He excited exclaimed; "I was showing Garrath the horsies!"

"I see that bud," I chuckled, leaning down to ruffle his hair, earning another laugh from him. Hayden then took this time to say; "Seems like you also had a tiring day. Let's take you for a nap."

"But Poppi-"

"No buts. Mama wouldn't like you being all cranky this evening," He insisted, lifting him up in his arms. "Besides, let's have Laury and Garrath have some alone time, hm?"

Caleb huffed but, agreed, letting my father take him away. He directed me to the wheelbarrow though, as if to say to put the stuff away first. I playfully rolled my eyes, him chuckling before heading off. I turned my head to see my love smiling at me, leaning against a post in the barn. I walked up to him, taking his hands gently as I asked him softly; "How are you? Were you able to sleep a bit?"

"I'm better," He answered. "It looks like you need a nap more than Caleb though."

I laughed a bit, shaking my head. "I'm okay. Just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay. Besides, I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing how upset you were last night."

"That really doesn't assure me Laur," The blonde frowned, looking down a bit. I leaned closer, lifting his chin up to look into his eyes. I replied; "Listen, I'm fine because you're fine. You're the most important person to me. So knowing that you're happy makes me feel happy."

"But you look exhausted-"

"Eh, sometimes boyfriend duties do that to you," I shrugged, brushing the comment aside. "Consider us even for some of the nights that I kept you up later than you should've."

He must've decided to stop fighting it and accept I wasn't going to let him have this one because he sighed and said; "Well then...thank you. For being there last night."

"No problem love," I say, giving him a quick kiss. When I parted though, I remember what I told my father. "Hey...there is something I need to talk to you about. I wanted to do it when you weren't well...receiving some of the worst news of your life but, I think I can't delay it anymore. Is it okay if after I put this stuff away, we could go for a walk?"

Instead of looking annoyed or anxious like I thought he would, he gave a reassuring smile, saying; "Of course. I'd love to."


I held onto his hand, my other hand in my flannel jacket pocket to keep it protected from the biting cold. As if on cue as well, a gust of wind came to hit us, causing Garroth to cling closer to me, hugging my arm. I smiled softly to myself, kissing the top of his head. I heard him giggle a bit, him asking quietly; "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well," I say, trying to come up with words. We came up to the creek that ran at the end of my parents' property. Larges trees with handing branches created an arch over the top of it, making it seem like something out of a fantasy novel. I remember what it looked like in the spring, even more beautiful then now. Garroth seemed to find it pretty as well. I felt him relax up against me as we just gazed at mother nature in front of us. "Do you want to stop here?" 

"Sure, if that's what you want," He replied, looking up at me. I gave him another smile as I nodded my head. We found a dry spot to sit down, still looking at the creek. I sat with my legs stretched out, leaning back on my hands as the wind kissed my face. Garroth looked to me and studied me it seemed. I smirked at him, asking; "What?" 

He didn't say a word as he reached to my bun, pulling the hair-tie out that was keeping it secure. A slight pink hue came to his cheeks as he continued to gaze at me, a small grin appearing as well. "That's better.." 

After You Left//A Larroth/Garrance FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now