Casper turns his bright grey eyes to me and the next moment he’s lifted me off my feet in crushing embrace.

“Thank you, Elise, from the bottom of my heart for tolerating this rock and surviving.” He says, letting go of me

“I deserve medals, I know.” I say smugly

All smugness washes off my face when he presses a kiss to my cheek.

“We can get that arranged—

He’s pulled away from me by a very pissed off Lycan. Casper staggers back as Luke lets go of him and I resist the urge to facepalm myself. Why did he have to do that?

“Get a hold of yourself,” Luke’s voice rumbles with a low growl, his hand already reaching for mine

Casper’s wide eyes take in our interlinked hands. He looks at Luke’s dark eyes, then he looks at me, I offer him a little smile, then he looks at our interjoined hands again.

“Is she, are you two,” Casper gestures with his hands, as if they would convey his message but then words splutter out of his mouth “Tell me you bastard, is she the one?”

Luke clears his throat, snapping out of his instinctive haze, with a face absolutely blank, he says;

“Yes. Yes, she is.”

“Holy mother of fucks—

Luke holds Casper back before he can hug us again, but Casper doesn’t seem to care, his lips are pulled in a splitting grin, eyes twinkling.

“This is brilliant, perfect!” Casper says, I can almost feel the elation in his voice “To think we had your mate in our own pack all this time!”

Luke murmurs something along the lines of “Don’t remind me.”

“So, this is our official meeting as Luna and beta,” I say with a grin “Pleased to meet you, Beta Casper Hendricks.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Luna.” Casper gives me an exaggerated bow

Luna, I grin at the title. Yeah, I can totally get used to this.

“Alright, now you two can go downstairs and wait,” Luke says with a glance at his wrist watch “I’ll just change and be down in a minute.”

“Casper,” I turn to my beta “As your Luna, I am in need of your assistance.”

He sketches me a bow “Casper Hendricks at your service, my Luna.”

“Good.” I nod “Now listen carefully to what I’m about to tell you.”

Luke’s face is wary when he eyes me “Elise, do not

“Luke is wearing a suit to his coronation.”

Casper gasps, his eyes wide as he looks at his Alpha “A suit?”

Luke glares at him “Yes. Like a decent, normal person.”

Casper ignores his comment entirely and clicks his tongue “We need to get you something kingly to wear.”

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