Part 22

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Iwaizumi pov

"So are you going to tell me why?" I asked while leaning against my couch cushions. Chilled water swam down my throat, calming every nerve in my body.

Oikawa's head was stuffed into my thigh, his snores pressing on my skin.

Kuro tilted his head and took a seat in the chair across from me. "What are you talking about? Is this about the bet on Akashi's dick? We were both ju-"

"No." I interjected while patting my lover's back. Oikawa shifted a little, making his hand grip the plush under me. His nose twitched from the familiar scent of our furniture.

I tilted my head slightly to peek into my room. I could see Kenma sound asleep on my bed without a care.

When my gaze shifted back to Kuro, the raven sighed. "How do you already know something is wrong? I swear we didn't give out any hints."

"Actually, you gave out a few. One, my idiotic lover doesn't drink unless stressed. And whenever he does, he thinks about two things. Can you name those things?"

Kuro put up two fingers, "his past and his future?"

"Bingo." I said while taking another sip of my drink. "Since I didn't hear him whine about his dad, then it must be about his future."

My eyes scanned Kuro as the raven shifted with unease in his seat. "He could have many things on his mind-"

"Yes, I thought about that too, but I noticed something else. You guys used your weird sappy pet names."

Kuro's fingers scrunched the fabric of the couch, his smile fading. "Damn it. Forgot about that."

"I know you three only use sappy nicknames to lighten the mood. Plus, Oikawa also called me Hajime."

"And he never calls you that." Kuro finished with a sigh. A small chuckle left his lips, "sometimes I forget how perceptive you are Iwa."

I gave a shrug, letting silence fill the room for a moment. Kuro grew agitated from my gaze eating away at him. Knowing the roommate as long as I have, he is weighing his choices right now. One, he can tell me, and I can help with whatever is going on. Or two, he makes up some lie and I just let it go.

Though, by 'letting it go' I mean I'll pester Oikawa into telling me. Me and Kuro both know Oikawa can't lie to me when I ask a direct question.

Fingers trailed up my thigh until an entire hand rested on it. Oikawa's leg shook before his head sprang up. Waved hazel hair drifted over his eyes and forehead, letting me only see his chin. "Are you awake?" I asked him in a hum.

Without a reply, Oikawa stood up off the couch. His hand left my leg to push his body up into a standing position. Me and Kuro watched carefully as the pretty boy waddled to one of my bathrooms.

The slap of the door broke the silence, followed by the sighs of Kuro and me. "Looks like he is finally thinking about his past." I mumbled.

My teeth clamped together in worry, "I have to wait a few minutes, or he won't talk to me."

Kuro's eyes analyzed my own. With guilt weighing on his words, he began to tell me everything. Why they got drunk, what happened nights before, every little detail. Saying I was shocked would be an understatement, but at first I was angry.

Angered by the fact anyone would lay a hand on my friends, much less shoot at them. One detail about that scenario bugged me, but I didn't speak my concern out loud.

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