Part 8

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I stumbled towards the unknown campus with an exhausted expression. It was Saturday, two full weeks since me and Bokuto had our first kiss. Nothing big has happened. I have grown more comfortable with Bokuto's affection. Meaning I stopped blushing like an idiot every time he would give me a gentle smile.

These two weeks gave me time to think about me and Bokuto's relationship. I think I am ready.

My eyes wandered around the large building which I assumed was the gym. Before I entered, I noticed a figure slumping in the corner. They sat on the stairs in the front of the building, their face shadowed by their bleached hair.

Black roots ruffled when the figure pulled their red hood off their head. From their jacket, I could tell they must be a member from Kuro's team. "Is this where the practice match will be?" I watched as the person shivered from my words.

Their head turned in my direction. Cat-like eyes laid on mine, "Yes." The boy answered before placing his attention on his hands. In his hands was a gaming device of some kind. I don't play many games, so I don't know which kind.

Their lack of attention didn't bug me. I went along ahead, opening the door to the gym at a slow rate.

Sneakers squeaked along the ground of the creamy gym floor. Two colored jerseys scattered across the area.

Even with all the people I could still spot Bokuto's multi-colored hair. He was doing stretches with another member of his team. Bokuto was talking while the person next to him laughed along.

"You came Akashi!" A voice called out. Before I knew it, a heat source attached onto my body. Their legs wrapped around my frame and their arms went over my shoulders. "Hey Meg." I greeted with a stiffened tone. I still wasn't used to how energetic she was.

Ai came after Meg quickly to remove her off my body. "I'm sorry Akashi. Meg, he likes his personal space, you know like most humans." Ai stated with an eye roll.

Meg pouted and let go of me. Her childish expression reminded me so much of Kou's, it made me crack. "Ai it is alright. I can handle it." The eldest gave me a skeptical look. She sighed and let go of the smaller girl.

Meg attached to me within seconds, making her look like a human backpack. "You sure this isn't too much for you Akashi?" Ai asked again once she saw how strained my face was.

I nodded and adjusted Meg on my body. The woman was like a light monkey. She stayed on my back as I walked with Ai towards the seats.

Meg jumped off me and bounced in her chair, "aren't you going to say hi to Kou? You know, give him a little boyfriend luck." I looked towards Kou and winced at the amount of people standing around him.

"Uh, I don't belive in luck." I whispered. The sister's frowned at me.

Ai took my hand while Meg started to push me, "no time to be a pushover." The eldest puffed out.

"Yeah, Akashi you got this." Meg cheered.

Resisting was useless. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of the court in front of Bokuto, Kuro, and another player. Kou's eyes lit up when he saw me, "Akashi! You came!"

Meg gave me one last push, "Yeah." I managed to squeak out. Bokuto and Kuro looked at each other, then me. "Relax. I swear the people here are harmless." They said in unison.

Bokuto's hand reached out and landed on the other player's shoulder. "This is one of my teammates, Konoha. He is probably the meanest one here, if you can handle him, you'll be fine."

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