Part 10~ Flashback

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This entire chapter is a flashback from Akashi's point of view!

It's pretty sort but the next chapter will also be a flashback.


The grip on my wrists made me flinch when my body hit the rough wall. Smirks and snickers gathered around me as the older boys saw my pained face. "You shouldn't have made my sister cry." A slightly deep voice growled.

My eyes squeezed shut in discomfort. To think I got myself into this situation just for rejecting a classmate. How is my disinterest my fault anyways?

I was walking home when these morons ganged up on me, as if they had pride in beating up someone younger then them. From the looks of it, they were two or three years older than me. Putting them at 10 or 11.

Normally I don't walk home but my mom and dad are packing up for our weekend trip. My house is only ten minutes away and my neighborhood is peaceful. Therefore, walking home should be no problem... at least that's what I thought.

A couple days ago, the prettiest girl in the grade asked to hangout with me after school. I decline like always. She must have been having a bad day because she started to sob in front of everyone.

I don't understand why everyone wants to hangout with me anyways. I already have someone to hangout with, and that will never change.

Many people have dozens of friends. I only need one, Kou.

"Your sister should have taken the hint that I don't want to be bothered." I bit back before gasping in sudden pain. A sting resonated in my ankle from the boy's kick.

Both my legs felt shaky and the grip on my wrist wasn't loosening. From the looks of it, there are three boys in total. Just great.

A hand waved in front of my face, taking off my black glasses and tossing them on the ground. I squinted at the brown-haired boy, since my vision was now blurry. "Was that necessary?" I muttered with a snarl.

The boy holding my hands back shook his head to move his ginger hair from his eyes. "What kind of loser likes being alone?" He scoffed with the rest laughing behind him. I could tell these guys all shared the same brain cell.

"What a weirdo!" The blonde on the left cackled.

The ginger pressed his head closer to mine, making me bend my neck to back away. "Maybe it's because you hangout with that weird kid. Maybe his freaky behavior rubbed off on you-"

Before the boy could finish, I slammed my head against his. His grip stayed on my wrists, but his head swung back from the sudden impact. The two boys behind him stared with wide eyes. As if watching the boy in slow motion from the hit.

Gritting my teeth, my blue eyes narrowed onto the main boy. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK BAD ABOUT KOU! DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

Red liquid dripped out of the gingers nose as one of the two boys behind him gripped my hair. Once again, I flinched in pain. My chin tilted up towards the clouds with my feet barely touching the ground.

Water stung my eyes, but I refused to let my tears fall. I won't cry because of someone who dared to say something bad about my best friend.

A sudden blow to my side made me let out a shriek. I tried to keep my voice calm, but the pain advanced through my body. My vision grew darker with my pupils staggering.

"What are you gonna do about it? What is with you two? It's like you both are happy being outcasts!" The main boy shouted, a vein pulsing in disgust.

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