18 | A Test By Chicken

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Harumi woke up early the next day as she stopped by Lloyd's room to check on him. The boy was sound asleep on his bed as she peaked through the doors. She then made her way to the bathroom to freshen up and went to the kitchen.

Master Wu was seated on the dining table which made her jump.

"Sorry, Master. I did not see you." She apologized as she opened the fridge to start preparing breakfast.

"It is alright, Harumi." Master Wu answered as he sipped on his cup of tea. "There are a few things I would like to change for today's lesson."

"What is it, Master?" Harumi inquired from behind the counter.

"I have noticed the ninja have gotten softer during this time of peace. I am afraid they will not be ready if a new threat comes to Ninjago."

"How could I be of assistance?"

"I need you to get the chicken. I will gather the ninja."


Harumi was nervous as she walked down the mountain with a bag in her hand to get the chicken she once had to defeat during training. It was no ordinary chicken for it possessed special qualities that made her heart race. She had told Lloyd she was going to run some errands for Master Wu since he had instructed her not to say anything.

"Here, chicken." She called out as she threw some corn to the ground. She was by the side of the mountain where Wu had told her to go. A brown chicken slowly approached her as she laid out more seeds. "That's it. Good chicken."

Harumi created a trail of corn as she led the chicken towards the monastery. Master Wu met her at the doors with a box in hand.

"Do not let him escape." He told her as they placed the chicken in a box. "I will get the ninja."

Harumi patiently waited in the hallway as Master Wu lectured the team who were still in their swim suits.

"You have become soft. Lazy. Flabby." She heard him state which made Harumi giggle.

"Okay, that's getting a tad personal." Cole retorted and Harumi wished she could see their reactions.

"Nobody has gone soft, Master Wu. I promise you, we are in perfect condition." Lloyd declared.

"Silence!" Master Wu yelled. "Since ancient times, the hills around this monastery have been populated by a species of highly aggressive predator. The first monks built the walls extra tall to keep them out. They failed."

Harumi knew it was her cue so she took the box in her hands and entered the room. She looked around the ninja and giggled as Lloyd rubbed the back of his neck.

"Many monks were lost." Master Wu stated as Harumi placed the box on the table.

"What's in the box?" Jay panicked as they saw it shake.

"In order to survive, the monks became faster, stronger, more cunning. They evolved into ninja." Harumi told them as she recalled the same lesson Master Wu had taught her when he left her in the room with the same task.

"To this day, it is a test that every ninja must face." Master Wu declared which made the team visibly nervous.

"Uh, test?" Cole inquired and Lloyd shrugged.

"To prove their courage, they must survive 5 minutes in a room with one of these." Master Wu unlocked the seal that kept the box shut.

"Good luck." Harumi mouthed towards the team who gulped.

She and Master Wu left the living room and closed the doors as they stood outside.

"Oh, he had me going there for a sec." Cole stated from inside the room.

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