4 | The Last Mistake

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It was 6 in the morning when Lloyd woke up. He had gotten used to it since Master Wu would always make them train as early as possible. He smiled at the memory which made it spark hope in his eyes. He got sat up and looked around and saw Harumi sound asleep beside him. Lloyd removed a piece of hair on her face and got up to wake up Nya.

"Wha-what's wrong?" She shot up and looked around. "Oh, Lloyd it's you." She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Good morning, Nya."

"Good morning. What time is it?" She asked, her voice still groggy.

"It's 6. Did you take over Rumi last night?"

"I don't think I did." Nya responded for she was more confused with him using her nickname.

"Well, we'll let her sleep in more. Then we'll make our move." Lloyd informed her rather quickly and got up to wake the others.

As Harumi continued sleeping, the rest went to interrogate Ultra Violet who had just woke up.

"What if we use her for trade?" Nya suggested. "Our friends in the Kryptarian Prison, for her."

"How does that make you feel, Lloyd?" Ultra Violet cackled. "That your father actually cares for me, more than his own son."

"My father cares for no one." Lloyd replied and walked towards her. "Only his thirst for more power. He won't free our friends; we'll hold onto her until she's valuable to us."

"The generals have been here before. It's only a matter of time until they find me." Ultra Violet commented.

"I hate to admit it, she's right." A voice from the other side of the room said. It was Harumi, she had just woken up and stretched as she walked towards them.

"Good morning." Lloyd smiled as he watched her go next to him.

"Good morning." She greeted a little enthusiastically. "So what's going on?"

"I hope whatever card you have up your sleeve is an ace, because right now, we're about to fold." Darreth told Lloyd as he ignored what had just happened. Nya, however raised an eyebrow. "But don't tell me right now because I think she can hear us."

"We found something in her belongings." Skylor said as she opened the door. Mystake was beside her, a streak of sunlight entered the room.

"I think you need to see this." Mysake informed them, a worried look on her face.

Ultra Violet tried to break free from her restraints when she realized what they were talking about.

"Go! I'll watch over her." Nya said. The three went outside with Skylor and Mystake.

"What is it?" Lloyd looked between the two.

"The Oni mask of Hatred." Mystake informed him as Skylor held out the mask.

"If your elemental power doesn't return, this could certainly help."

"I thought you had it with you?" Lloyd turned to Harumi who bit her lip.

"I kind of, threw it away when I chased you and Nya." She looked away. "I didn't expect them to find it."

"It's alright. We have it now so they won't stand a chance." Lloyd placed a hand on her shoulder and continued talking to his teammates.

"If it's an ace you're looking for, that's a pair of them." Darreth commented as he eyed the mask.

"But Oni power is dark magic." Mystake started. "Wield it only at your own peril."

"What do you want to do?" Skylor inquired while Lloyd studied the mask. There was something suspicious about it.

Lloyd opened the door and walked back inside their hideout. He threw the mask Ultra Violet's feet.

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