17 | Midnight Troubles

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More weeks have passed as the ninja had forgotten all about their training. With each passing day the team grew fond of sitting around in the living room and not doing anything for Ninjago had been crime free for a long time. That night, as Harumi slept through the cold winds, a nightmare was awaiting her.

"You are a disgrace to the family name!" Her adoptive father scolded.

"This was not what I wanted you to be, dear." Her real mom stated to a figure dressed in black.

"I had to get revenge! They left me to live without a family." Harumi defended but her mom shook her head and crossed her arms. "Mom, please."

"You are not my daughter."

"No daughter of mine would destroy the city she loves."

"NO!" Harumi yelled as she shot up from her bed. Hot tears filled her eyes, memories of her dream flashed through her head as she replayed all the things her parents told her.

"Harumi?" A voice called from her doorway. She did not bother to look up and check who it was for she was too busy crying her into her hands.

The person sat on the edge of her bed and touched her hands which made the girl look up.

"Nya! I am so sorry I did not mean--." Harumi started rambling but was immediately caught off by Nya.

"Don't worry. You didn't wake me up." Nya chuckled and made herself comfortable. "What happened?"

"It's--it's nothing." Harumi wiped her tears and looked away. She was still not good at sharing her feelings.

"Come on, Harumi. Just between us two?" Nya pushed and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's my parents! They kept telling me about how I disappointed them when I destroyed Ninjago city. That I was wrong for wanting revenge and letting my anger consume me. And yes, I know that now! But to be honest, I just wanted my parents back." Harumi let out everything she had felt. 

She gave in including all the pressure of her past haunting her along with all the feelings she bottled up since she was a child.

"I get it. No one should be forced to keep everything to themselves." Nya stated and played with the sheets. "When my parents left us, Kai and I had to raise ourselves. Believe me I had my share of anger. I am lucky that my parents are still here, we may not be comfortable with each other but knowing they're here is better than nothing."

"I killed the only family I ever had. I was not grateful but instead let revenge control me. I've done horrible things, Nya! I was supposed to be the princess of Ninjago but instead I hurt the people instead of protecting them."

"Everyone makes mistakes, Harumi. But that does not mean we cannot learn from them. You're not alone anymore, you have me, Lloyd, and the ninja. We're your family." Nya smiled right before Harumi tackled her into a hug. 

She let the girl cry on her shoulder for she knew she had no one to do this with for all those years.

"I know you can redeem yourself. I believe in you."

"Thank you." Harumi whispered before breaking up the hug.

"Glad I could help." Nya responded. "I feel a lot closer to you now."

"I do too." Harumi smiled through her sniffles.

"It's almost morning, we should go back to sleep." Nya suggested as she looked at the clock.

"I don't think I can." Harumi held onto her cat plushy and brought it near her face.

"Wanna just talk?"

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