15 | The Steps to Softness

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Master Wu took the opportunity to enhance Harumi's skills. They would continue her training and formed a really close bond during the time they spent together.

"Your blade is sharp, but keep your mind sharper." Master Wu instructed as he once again defeated her in a sparring round.

"I don't understand. How are you doing that?" Harumi questioned as she sat on the ground.

"It takes time to be a skilled ninja. Again." He commanded and tossed a sword at her. Harumi grabbed it and charged at her master.

When she wasn't training or hanging out with Lloyd, Harumi was often found in the ninja's library with Misako. They bonded over their love for history and books.

"I was not aware that the history of Ninjago was that complex." Harumi gasped after Misako told her some stories and legends.

"You, my dear, are a part of it. Just like the rest of the team and the people."

"They never taught me this stuff at the palace."

"Some people tend to bend history to their will and only inform the people of what they should hear."

It had been 3 weeks in and the ninja began to grow soft. They hadn't trained in a long time for they were more focused on their video games and other things they thought were better to do. Kai was once again addicted to chirper and posted at least 100 selfies a day with the excuse that it was for their fans.

"I really hope no one would make an album out of this." Nya sighed as she watched her brother pose in front of his phone.

"With the amount of fans he has, I doubt it." Harumi bit into her apple from her spot beside Nya on the doorway.

"I wonder what Skylor thinks of this new habit."

"Probably saving the photos and making them her wallpaper."

Cole and Jay had really gotten into pranks and would often make the lives of their fellow ninja hard. Zane joined in and decided to record them as he was doing some research about the things they called vlogs.

"Do you have the wrap ready, Jay?" Cole asked while Zane set up the camera. They were currently in the living room as they started preparing for their next prank on the ninja.

"I got it!" Jay responded and waved his hand in the air to show the object he was holding.

"I do not see how this would be funny." Zane commented and began filming.

"Oh come on, Zane." Jay whined and proceeded to place cling wrap onto the door frame. "When Kai runs in it would cover his face and that, is hilarious."

"If you say so, my friends." Zane responded.

"Alright, it's all set. We just need our victim." Cole rubbed his hands together. "Kai! Your hair gel order arrived."

"This is gonna be good." Jay watched intently.

"Where?!" Kai came running in the room and the cling wrap wrapped itself around him which made Kai yelp in surprise. He looked up to find Jay and Cole laughing on the couch and Zane chuckled behind the camera. "Hang on, I never ordered any hair gel! My hair is stylish as ever."

Their next prank was on Lloyd who was currently taking a bath. They had to convince Zane to help them for he had no interest in participating in their schemes. When he finally gave in, Zane found himself crawling through the gap between their ceiling and roof.

"What's taking him so long?" Jay complained as they sat outside the bathroom door. Zane had crawled through the roof space ages ago and they were starting to get impatient.

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