Chapter Fifty Four

Start from the beginning

"Why is everything so dark?" Dudley inquiried looking around.

"Seemed like they all went on holiday." Sirius noted earning a snort from his son.

"Sure, everyone goes on vacation right before the school year. Makes a lot of sense, dad." Peter said sarcastically.

"What are you getting at, Peter?" Sirius inquiried.

"I'm sure they're enjoying their stay at hotel de la death eaters also known as Malfoy manor." Peter replied.

"Boys, shut up. This place is amazing." Jackson gushed in awe as they entered the store.

"Step up, step up. We've got fainting fancies, nosebleed nougats and just in time for school." The Weasley twins chorused.

"Get back here you two and don't touch that." Regulus ordered chasing after Jackson and Tyrone. Sirius chuckled and shook his head.

"Ooo, what does this do?" He asked aloud.

"Stop touching things, dad." Peter said, slapping Sirius' hand away.

"How do you expect me to buy anything if I can't even touch them?" Sirius whined. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Just try not to hurt yourself, dad." He called over his shoulder making his way over to Harry and Ron by the love potions' display.

"Hello gentlemen." Two identical voices from behind them said. The trio turned to see Fred and George standing there.

"You know they really do work." Fred stated.

"But you better not be using this on Ginny." George said, turning to Harry.

"Otherwise there would be serious consequences." Fred said sternly.

"Come on boys, leave him alone." Peter said. The Weasley twins turned to their next victim.

"I bet our dear little brother doesn't even need help in the department of love."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ron demanded.

"Are you not currently dating Lavender Brown?" Fred inquiried innocently. Ron glared at them.

"That's none of your business." He scoffed storming off. Less than a minute later he was back.

"How much?" Ron questioned.

"Five galleons." The ginger twins echoed.

"How much for me?"

"Five galleons." The twins repeated.

"I'm your brother."

"Ten galleons." The twins quipped.

Ron gave them a look in disgust and turned to leave.

"Would it kill you to be nice?" Peter asked the twins.

"Yes." Fred and George parroted.

"You two are unbelievable." Peter muttered as they walked out of the store.


"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked. Less than a second later Harry's Head appeared out of nowhere causing Jackson to shriek.

"What the hell man?" Jackson demanded.

"I was following Nott. I think he's working for you know who." Harry said in a harsh whisper.

"But I've been standing here the entire time." Jackson protested.

"Not you, your cousin."

"Oh, that idiot. Wait, are we talking to Harry's ghost because all I see is a floating head. It's like the headless horseman, but in reverse. Where's the body? Where's the horse? Is Harry the horseless head man? James,Lucas, did you have anything to do with it?" Jackson rambled.

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