Chapter 20

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"I want to make up with Hwang."

Jeongin looks at Jisung in shock, surprised by the older. "You want to make up with Hyunjin hyung? Did Chan hyung tell you to do this?" Jisung rolls his eyes. "No, I just don't want to deal with his bullshit anymore. So making it up to him, will hopefully make him leave me alone." Jeongin chuckles, that made more sense than Jisung actually wanting them to be okay again. "And how are you planning on doing that?" Jisung shrugs "That's what I want to ask you, you are other than Felix the only one I know that is close with him." Jeongin nods, quickly looking over to the others. "Fair." Jisung lays down on the grass, looking up at the sky. Jeongin looks down at him, raising an eyebrow. "What are you willing to do hyung?" Jisung frowns, not really sure. "Honestly no clue, it's not like I could just buy him something and everything will be fixed." Jeongin shakes his head. "Yeah, not everything is bought by gifts."

Seungmin walks over to Jisung and Jeongin, being done with the flirting Minho has been doing. He frowns as he sees the two of them having a somehow serious looking conversation. Seungmin quietly sits down next to Jisung, just listening to the conversation. "Maybe just say you're sorry? That might just fix literally everything." Seungmin leans over to look at Jisung right as Jisung sits up quickly, hitting his head against Seungmins. "ouw" Both of them rubs their foreheads, Jisung biting his lip to take away the pain. "The heck Min?" "Sorry." Seungmin blinks a few, before looking over at Jisung. "You okay Han?" The oldest of the three just blinks trying to get his vision clear. "Hannie hyung?" "Yeah, I'm fine don't worry guys." Both Seungmin and Jeongin let out a breath of relieve. "I'm really sorry." Jisung shakes his head. "It's fine, you didn't know I was going to sit up." Jeongin just stares at Seungmin, forgetting what he was just talking about with Jisung.

"What were you two talking about? I heard something about apologizing?" Jisung sighs. "I want to maybe make up with Hwang, but maybe not." Jeongin rolls his eyes, while Seungmin nods. "I'm still clueless of what even happened between you two, weren't you two like friends in middle school?" Jisung nods. "Yea we were, way back then." The two younger look at him confused, really wanting to know what happened between their two friends that made them nearly hate each other. "So what happened?" Jisung glares at Jeongin. "For me to know and for neither of you to ever find out." Jisung stands up, making Seungmin frown. "Where are you going?" "I'm going back to Chan hyung, see what the reason is why we came here." Seungmin just nods, watch Jisung walk away from them before turning to Jeongin. "Is he really on planning to make up with Hyunjin?" Jeongin nods. "It seems like it, but he is too suborn to just apologize."

Hyunjin also decided to check on what Minho is doing, leaving Changbin and Felix to theirselves to flirt. He sighs as he sees Jisung walking towards him, not really wanting to talk with the other. "Hey." Hyunjin looks up, raising an eyebrow. "Hi? You never start a conversation?" Jisung rolls his eyes. "I do, don't start feeling special." Hyunjin scoffs, the two of them making their way over to where Chan and Minho are seated on a park bench. "Uh how is dance going? You have a competition coming up right?" "It's going well? How is buying a frog going?" Jisung looks at Hyunjin confused. "Buying a frog?" Hyunjin nods. "You and Changbin hyung were going to buy a frog?" Jisung frowns, not really remembering anything about a frog. "Eh don't think we are going to do that, can't risk getting kicked out." Hyunjin hums, knowing very well why Jisung is living with Chan and Changbin even if they aren't friends. "You ever got any updates?" Jisung shakes his head. "I did not, I also don't want them." Hyunjin nods, shutting himself up. He didn't want to upset Jisung, not about this.

"Hyung." Chan and Minho look up, not sure who is being called. "Yea?" They both answer at the same time, looking at Hyunjin and Jisung questionable. "Why are we here?" "Why are we hanging out with this loser?" Chan sighs, watching Hyunjin give Jisung a slight push for making that comment. Minho shakes his head "Because we thought it would be a good idea for everyone to hangout as me and Chan hyung became friends?" Jisung rolls his eyes, while Hyunjin frowns. "Sure, anyway are we going to do something? Or just talk, because if that is the case I'm leaving." "Same." Chan groans, walking over to Jisung. "We can play some soccer?" "Soccer?" Chan nods, pointing to the soccer ball Seungmin brought with him. "Innie and Seungmin brought a soccer ball with them." Hyunjin and Jisung just nod, not sure how to respond. "I will go get Changbin hyung and Lix." With that Hyunjin runs over to the swings where Changbin and Felix are still sitting. Chan leans in to whisper something in Jisungs ear, Jisung just nods. Minho just watches awkwardly, he didn't really know Jisung but from what he had heard he knew he was quite the character.

Once everyone is back to where Chan and Minho had been talking, they start planning soccer. Everything goes well, until Hyunjin kicks the ball into Jisungs stomach. Making him dubble over, Chan quickly runs over to Jisung going into his parent mode. "Sung you okay?" Jisung nods, not wanting to seem weak infront of the others. "M fine." Chan helps Jisung stand up correctly. Hyunjin rolls his eyes, thinking Jisung is just over reacting. "Come on, lets continue." "Me and Jisung will sit this out for a bit." Minho gives Chan a thumb up, stealing the ball from Hyunjin to distract the other before he can make a rude comment. Chan makes Jisung sit down, sitting down next to him. "You really okay?" Jisung shrugs "Hyung I'm fine, might just be tired." Chan nods, now watching the others play soccer. He wanted to play but he didn't want Jisung to be sitting out on his own knowing the younger hates being left out even if he doesn't want to particupate either. "Hyung? Why are we really meeting up with everyone? After you made a groupchat?" "Like we said we just wanting to hangout with everyone." Jisung rolls his eyes, knowing full well there is another reason behind it. "Hyung stop lying, I'm not stupid." Chan sighs, turning to look at Jisung. "Don't tell anyone else alright." "Not even Changbin hyung?" Chan nods "Fine whatever, just tell me." Chan chuckles, leaning back on his arms. "The school festival is coming up and miss Lee has to make a group of first years to perform. So she asked me and Minho to help her out, all your names where on the list so..." "You're making a group with all of us?" Chan nods "Yes." 

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