Chapter 12

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Chan sits up, turning off his alarm clock. For a second he is confused as to why he is awake so early in the morning, than he remembers he has to go with Jisung pharmacy. He throws off the comforts, getting out of his comfortable bed. He makes his way to the other bedroom quietly, not wanting to wake up Changbin just yet. He opens the door into the dark room, looking around when he can't see Jisung laying in his own bed. "Jisung? You awake?" He doesn't get a responds, so he enters the bedroom. He looks to his right, smiling when he sees his two best friends cuddled up onto Changbins bed. Both still fast asleep. Changbin has one arm wrapped around Jisungs waist, while the other is underneath his head. Jisung holds onto Changbins shirt tightly, practically laying on top of the shorter one somehow. Chan wishes he had his phone with him right now, so that he could take a picture of the two before he has to wake them up. Chan sighs, walking closer to the two.

"Ji~ you have to wake up." Chan shakes the youngest slightly hoping he will wake up from that. "Hyung?" Changbin opens his eyes, looking around to figure out where Chan is standing. "Morning Bin." Chan looks over at Changbin smiling. "Morning?" Chan chuckles, knowing how out of it Changbin can be in the morning when he is woken up. Chan shakes Jisung again, whispering in his ear to wake up. Changbin sits up, making Jisung roll off of him. Chan laughs as Jisung just rolls over to the side of the bed, not waking up at all. Changbin looks at the boy sleeping next to him, ruffing the others hair. "Cute." He mumbles, turning to Chan. "Why are you waking us up at..." He looks over at the clock, frowning. "5.30 in the morning?" "I have to take Jisung to the pharmacy, before school." Changbin nods, turning to Jisung. He shakes the boy, leaning in so his face is right next to the others. "SUNG WAKE UP!" Chan slaps Changbins arm, shocked by Changbins action. Jisung kicks Changbin, sitting up. "If I'm deaf it's your fault." Mumbles, moving to lay on top of the other yet again.

"No Jisung, you have to get up. Also how is that comfortable for any of you?" Both of them shrug, not really bothered by the position they slept in. It had happened many times before, that they would end up sleeping on top of each other. "5 more minutes Hyung." Chan shakes his head, picking up Jisung off of Changbin. "Heyyy" Chan was happy he works out and that Jisung doesn't weight much. This way he can just easily pick up the other, if needed. "Put me down!" Chan chuckles, placing Jisung down on his own bed. "You need to get dressed, we have to be at the pharmacy at 6.30." Changbin frowns. "Hyung that's in like an hour, why wake up already?" "Because I'm never sure how long it will take to wake either of you up and I have to make sure Jisung doesn't fall asleep." "Why do we have to go to the pharmacy?" Chan and Changbin turn to Jisung, both shaking their heads. "Your medication?" Jisung giggles, he for sure hadn't forgotten about them.

"So get up and dressed. Bin you can come with if you want or get some more sleep?" Jisung pouts, walking off to the bathroom to get ready. Changbin shrugs, getting out of bed. "Might as well get up and join you guys. I'm already awake anyway." Chan nods, walking to the door. "Alright, I will get ready and make us breakfast." With that Chan walks out of the room, back to his own room. Getting dressed in his school uniform, he also packs his schoolbag with everything he will be needing for the day. He grabs his laptop, putting it in his other bad. He was going to stay at school and add somethings to the track he has been working on. After he is finished he walks to the kitchen, placing his bags on the couch when he passes. He starts preparing breakfast while he waits for the other two to get dressed and ready for school.

"Tell me again, why we are going to the pharmacy this early in the morning hyung?" Chan sighs, Jisung had been asking this question since they left the house 10 minutes ago. "Because, if we don't do it before school we will forget about it. We can't wait until the weekend, because you only have a few left." Jisung rolls his eyes, he is fine with waiting for them until the weekend. "I would have been fine until the weekend tho." Chan shakes his head, already gone through this argument with Jisung too many times. "No you wouldn't have and you know it." "I'm fine without them, I don't need to take them hyung." Chan stops walking, turning around to Jisung. "Jisung you have them for a reason, meaning you do need them. And you will keep taking them as long as they think you need them." Jisung bites his lip, trying to stop himself from saying something he will regret. "It's my life, I get to decided." Jisung keeps walking, leaving an angry Chan behind him. Changbin looks between the two, not sure on whose side he is on in this argument.

"I know you mean well hyung, but maybe we should let him figure stuff out on his own. I mean he is 19, an adult." Chan looks at Changbin, confused as to what he is trying to say. "I'm saying, let him do what he want. If he doesn't want to take the medication, let him not taking. We should just be there for him when he needs it. And if we notice that it's going wrong before he does, we will interfere then and not before." Chan takes a deep breath, he knows Changbin has a point. Jisung is an adult, he can make his own decisions. "I will think about it." Changbin nods, knowing that's the best he will get out of Chan right now. The two of them start walking again, trying to catch up with Jisung.

None of them talk with each other, even after they leave the pharmacy. Changbin keeps looking in between his two friends, trying to come up with something to fix the situation. Jisung keeps kicking rocks as they walk to school. Chan had put in his earphone, listening to music and ignoring the other two. With the day starting like this, Changbin knows school is going to be even harder. Because this means Jisung will be in a bad mood for the rest of the day. They have at least 3 classes combined with the preforming art class, meaning Hyunjin and Felix are in the same class. Not that Changbin minds, he really likes Felix and Hyunjin isn't too bad. But Jisung and Hyunjin just can't get along, like at all. No one really knows what happened between the two, but since the beginning of the school year things between the two have been rocky.

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