Chapter 4: What's happening?

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"Hyunjin you're in so much trouble." "Jisung, what happened?"

Both Hyunjin and Jisung look up, Hyunjin surprised to see Minho standing at the door. Jisung quickly looks away when he sees Chan and the other guy, suddenly feeling shy. Chan quickly makes his way to Jisung, checking up on him to make sure he isn't hurt anywhere. While Minho glares at Hyunjin, who lowers his head. "Are you hurt Hyunjin?" Hyunjin shakes his head, not looking up at Minho. Minho sighs, shaking his head. "Hyung I'm fine." Jisung tries to push Chan away from him, feeling embarrassed by the older behavior towards him. "I'm just making sure you aren't hurt." "Well I'm not, now stop fussing." Jisung was lying, he was hurt but he didn't want Chan or the other two to know. Minho and Hyunjin both looked at the others interaction, Hyunjin nearly laughing at who Chan treated Jisung as a little kid.

"How did you even start a fight with him?" Minho questions, as him and Hyunjin walk to the cafeteria together to meet up with Felix. Hyunjin bites his lip, looking at the ground. "He started it." Minho rolls his eyes. "That's not what I asked." "It wasn't even a real fight." Hyunjin mumbles, still not looking up at Minho. "Then why were you at the nurses office?" Hyunjin shrugs, honestly not sure why they were send to the nurses office. "I don't know, the teacher was being nice I guess. I only grabbed his arm, that's all the happened." Minho punches Hyunjin in the arm, making to other look up. "What was that for?!" "You know how strong your hold can be? Poor guy must have been in pain." Minho keeps walking, leaving a confused Hyunjin nearly behind. Hyunjin blinks, before walking after Minho. "What do you mean, hyung?"

"I told you not to start a fight with him and now you probably hurt him Hyunjin. Do you ever think before you do stuff?" Hyunjin looks at Minho shocked. "But hyung, it's not my fault. He started the fight." Minho rolls his eyes and keeps walking. "Think about it Hyunjin, did he really?" Minho leaves Hyunjin standing in the hallway, Hyunjin frowns not understanding what Minho is trying to say. Hyunjin sighs, walking to the cafeteria looking for his friends. Felix waves him over, no longer wanting to sit alone. "HYUNjin!" Hyunjin quickly walks over to Felix, wanting him to shut up and not yell. "Lix, you're being too loud." Felix laughs as his friend sits down next to him. "Seungmin and Inni are sitting with us too. But they had to help their teacher." Hyunjin nods, looking over at Felix his lunch. Felix looks around, not seeing Minho. "Where is Minho hyung?" Hyunjin looks down and shrugs. "I don't know, he is mad at me." Felix frowns, looking over at Hyunjin in shock. "Minho hyung is mad at you?" Hyunjin nods, taking a bite of his food.

"Why? He is never mad at us?" "I may have hurt Han, I don't know Han said he was fine. But Minho hyung says he is hurt and is now mad at me." Felix frowns, looking at his food. "Hanni got hurt? But nothing really happened?" Hyunjin nods. "I didn't grab his arm that hard, did I?" Felix shakes his head, still looking at his food. Hyunjin grabs Felix his food, switching it with his own. Knowing Felix doesn't like his food. "Eat mine, I will take yours." "Thank youuu." They both start eating, after a bit Seungmin and Jeongin join them at the table. Both questioning as well why Minho isn't eating with them.

"Hyung I'm fine." Jisung whines, as him and Chan walk to their usual lunch spot outside. "Are you sure? He looks pretty strong and you were at the nurse office." "I'm fine!" Chan stops walking, shocked by Jisung yelling at him. Jisung would rarely yell at him out of anger. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell, so sorry hyung." Jisung quickly apologizes, scared of what he thinks is about to happen. Jisung keeps apologizing to Chan, who lays a hand on the others shoulder making Jisung flinch. "Jiji I need you to calm down okay, remember to breath." Chan helps Jisung calm down, guiding him to sit down at their picknick table. Changbin looks up confused as his two best friends join him. "You better no have yelled at him Chan hyung." Chan looks over at Changbin, shaking his head. "It's the other way around." Changbin looks between to two confused.

"Jisung yelled at you? And it caused him to panic?" Chan nods, handing Jisung a bottle of water. Jisung takes the water bottle slowly taking a few sips, never using his left arm. Chan sits down at the table as well, taking out the lunch he brought with him. He had made enough for the three of them to be sharing the food, knowing the other two didn't bring anything with them as usual. "Thank you hyung!" Changbin starts eating the food he has waited for. "What even happened between you and Hyunjin, Jisung?" "Nothing." Jisung takes out his earphones, plugging them into his phone. Chan raises an eyebrow looking over at Changbin for answers. "He was laughing at Hyunjin yelling randomly in class, Hyunjin threw his book at Jisung. Jisung then threw the book on the ground and then Hyunjin grabbed Jisungs arm..." Changbin stopped, not wanting to say what happened after that. No one else noticed, but Changbin saw how Jisung flinched.

"So just a childish fight?" Changbin nods "Then why were they send to the nurses office?" Changbin shrugs, not really sure why the teacher had send them to the nurses office. Changbin and Chan eat their lunch while talking about their music, they are planning to perform soon at a local café. Jisung keeps listening to his own song, something he didn't even show Chan or Changbin. He was scared to show them the song, even if it mend a lot to him. "Hanji!" Changbin shakes the younger his shoulder, trying to get his attention. Jisung takes out his earphones, looking at his hyungs. "Yes?" "What are you listening too? Because you're crying." Jisung frowns, wiping his face with his right hand. "Oh, uhm nothing. Just a song I made." He mumbles, biting his lip. "Show us! It must be a good song." Jisung shakes his head, but Changbin grabs his phone. Replaying the song, making Jisung hide his face in his arms.

"Jisung? Is this how you feel?"

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