"You're right," he sighed, moving to turn on the shower. "Let's hurry so we can find out if our babies are boys or girls."

"Hmm," Meredith smiled, kissing him softly. "Make me breakfast and I'll love you forever?"

"And here I thought you had already promised me that," Derek laughed. "I guess that wasn't what our wedding was about."

"Just go," Meredith giggled.

"Love you," Derek called over his shoulder.


"You're sure you couldn't tell from the last sonogram and you just aren't telling me?" Meredith asked.

"How could I possibly hide something like this from you?" Derek asked with a frown. "Why would I?"

"You didn't tell me when you turned down chief resident," Meredith said softly without looking at him.

"That's...different," Derek sighed. "How mad are you? Am I sleeping on the couch now?"

"Not mad," she shook her head. "Just...curious. Addison told me yesterday. Why'd you do it?"

"I was going to tell you," he sighed. "But you were so tired yesterday, I didn't want to bring you down."

"You should have told me," she whispered. "Is it because of the babies?"

"Not in a bad way," Derek admitted. "It's because I want to be a good father. That won't happen if I'm here until midnight coordinating schedules."

Before Meredith could respond, a nurse called her name and she stood, clutching Derek's hand tightly.

"Alright, I see we're just here for a sonogram?" the nurse said with a smile.

"Yes," Meredith said as Derek helped her onto the table. "To find out the sex."

"Dr. White will be right in," the nurse smiled. "Good luck."

"Derek," Meredith breathed as soon as the door closed. "You can't give things up for us. You'll end up resenting us."

"No," Derek shook his head. "Head resident is too much. It's leading up to being chief of surgery which is something I'll never want."

"Are you sure?" Meredith asked.

"Positive," Derek nodded, kissing her softly. "I'd much rather stay home with you and the babies than deal with the hospital board."

"Okay," Meredith smiled. "Me too."

Dr. White interrupted their moment by walking into the room, smiling widely. "Hello, Shepherds," she smiled. "Big day."

"It is," Derek smiled, squeezing Meredith's had. "We're ready."

"Alright," Dr. White said, pushing Meredith's shirt over the bump to rest just under her breasts, pushing her pants down to under her belly so she could spread the gel. "Here we go."

Meredith squeezed Derek's hand as their babies appeared on the screen, and she heard her husband gasp as one baby appeared on the screen. "What?" she asked.

"That's our daughter, Mer," he whispered. "Baby A. Our baby girl."

"Oh my God," she whispered, tears filling her eyes as she stared at the baby on the screen. "Hi sweetheart."

"My little princess," Derek breathed.

"Here's Baby B," Dr. White smiled, moving the probe to the other side of Meredith's stomach. "Another healthy girl."

"Two girls?" Meredith whispered. "Oh, Derek, she's perfect. Hi sweetie."

"She is," Derek whispered. "My beautiful little butterfly."

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