VinCha ~ Pagliuzza

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It's been 15 years since Vincenzo fled Italy, and now he's finally back on the ground he grew up on. He and his family traveled to Milan to attend the graduation of their first daughter, Rosé.

Cha Young was still worried and forbade Vincenzo to come along at first. But Vincenzo assured his wife that nothing would happen. He is no longer Vincenzo Cassano, but Park Joo Hyeong. His face has changed with age. Wrinkles adorned his handsome face and white hair also started to emerged. He also let small hairs adorn his chin and upper lip, making him look even more manly in his 50s.

Apart from wanting to attend his daughter's graduation, there is actually another reason why Vincenzo insists on going to Milan.

Rosé already has a boyfriend!

Actually, Rosé hadn't told her father about this yet. She just told her mother that she was close to a man. The man was a math teacher at a high school and they were three years apart in age. She forbade her mother to tell her father, because she knew how protective he was. She might be sent home before completing her studies.

But finally Vincenzo found out it for himself from the vlog that Rosé posted on her Youtube channel, sometimes the man appeared. Vincenzo can tell the difference between an ordinary friend and a special friend. The behavior of the two of them could not be categorized as ordinary friends. Vincenzo wanted to meet him in person and judge whether the man was worthy of his daughter or not. And of course he would conduct his investigation secretly. As we know, Vincenzo still has many connections in Italy, even though he is not part of them anymore.


Enrico picked up the Vincenzos at the airport. He is now also a young adult and a medical student. Vincenzo and Cha Young barely recognized him, if only the young man had not approached them first.

"Uncle, Auntie," he called.

"Oh my... where is my little Enrico? Now you're taller than Uncle," said Vincenzo, hugging his nephew.

"And very handsome," added Cha Young.

Behind them, Mina nudged Mona, "do we really have Italian cousins?"

"I can't believe it either. He's more suited to be my boyfriend."

"What? No. Mine."

Shi Jin cleared his throat while throwing a sharp glance at his twin sisters.

"Well, you guys have never met in person, have you?" Vincenzo introduces.

Enrico shook hands and hugged Shi Jin. They had met when they were both small. They also follow each other on social media because they have the same hobby, which is football. They also love the same football club. Shi Jin took the Italian course of his own accord because he also wanted to study in Italy like Rosé, so he could also communicate with Enrico.

When shaking hands with Mona and Mina, the two girls also wanted to be hugged like their older brothers, but Shi Jin swiftly put his arm around Enrico and chatted with him as they walked.

They were escorted to the hotel where they were staying not far from the university, then after checking in, they would have dinner at Enrico's parents' house.

Yes, parents. Not only mother, but Enrico also has a father.

5 years after Paolo's death, Caterina meets a nice man. He is a pediatrician named Ian Salvator. They got married after three years of friendship. It's not easy for Caterina to accept another man in her life after what she's been through. But Ian's sincerity and the affection he gave to Enrico finally made Caterina believe that she could be happy with Ian. Enrico also loves his father very much and makes him a role model. That's why he wanted to be a doctor like Ian.

[Eng]Mr. & Mrs. Cassano (FF Vincenzo)✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora