VinCha ~ Reunion

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The grand reunion of the law school of Hankuk University where Cha Young studied law this time was held at a luxury hotel. Not only alumni who are in the same age as Cha Young, but also from the oldest to the youngest generation. This reunion is only held once every 5 years. In addition, there are also small reunions between alumni of the same class. The alumni of this law university are already well organized. The organizers of the reunion are university lecturers, most of whom are also alumni of this university.

Cha Young takes her place next to Prosecutor Park Kyung Soon.

"Sunbae," she greeted.

"Oh, Hong Cha Young."

"Am I late?" On the stage the dean of this university was giving a speech.

"Almost. Good thing you haven't missed our future presidential candidate's speech."

Vincenzo completely ruined her make-up so she had to re-make it. Her husband was also fussy to choose the appropriate dress for her to wear, a formal dress that does not reveal her beautiful skin. She even had to go to the boutique to buy a new dress, because the dress she had brought from Pagliuzza exposed her shoulders. Before knowing that his wife's ex-boyfriend will also be attending the reunion, Vincenzo doesn't mind what Cha Young will wear.

After Dean Oh Jung Hui came off the stage, the MC summoned Lee Jae Jung, a member of the legislative assembly who they called a future presidential candidate, because to his struggle to pass the child rights law, including: crimes for parents who ...

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After Dean Oh Jung Hui came off the stage, the MC summoned Lee Jae Jung, a member of the legislative assembly who they called a future presidential candidate, because to his struggle to pass the child rights law, including: crimes for parents who neglect children, crimes for child exploitation, death or life sentences for perpetrators of abuse, rape and murder of children, fines to imprisonment for divorced parents who are in arrears in the provision of child support, as well as fines for husbands or wives who commit adultery that harm their spouse and children.

After Dean Oh Jung Hui came off the stage, the MC summoned Lee Jae Jung, a member of the legislative assembly who they called a future presidential candidate, because to his struggle to pass the child rights law, including: crimes for parents who ...

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Indeed, he is still not officially nominated as a candidate, but he who was previously in a small party, has now joined the big party, the party supporting the president who is currently leading. His chances of winning in the upcoming elections are quite high if he is actually nominated.

What not everyone knows, the law was not Lee Jae Jung's original idea. The design has been around for a long time, and the creator is Hong Yoo Chan.

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[Eng]Mr. & Mrs. Cassano (FF Vincenzo)✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant