VinCha ~ Harabeoji

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Grandfather and grandson, who had not seen each other since the grandson was born, stared at each other in silence. Not as friendly as they were at their first meeting, now they are even awkward.

"Um... how are you?" Vincenzo broke the silence by making small talk.

"It's getting better."

"Oh, thank goodness."

Silence again.

"Aish... I thought it would be like this..." Yoo Ra who had been peeking at the 'starring contest' barged in.

"Yoo Ra-ya, don't disturb them!" Reprimand her mother who chased her.

"Harabeoji, say something. Ask about his daily life, work, family, whatever. Don't just sit still."

"Yoo Ra, come on!" Mrs. Park drags her most chatty daughter out.

But the girl's fussiness managed to break the glass wall between Mr. Park and Vincenzo. They both chuckled softly.

"How are you?" Ask Mr. Park.

"I'm fine."

"Ah, your son... how big is he?"

"He's started learning on his stomach."

"Wow, he's so smart."

"Ehm... do you want to see his photos?"

"Yes, show me."

Vincenzo shifted his chair closer to Mr. Park, then showed Shi Jin's photo gallery.

"Aigoo... so cute... his face is very similar to yours."

"Everyone says that too."

"It turns out that my genes are indeed very strong."

"Genes from you?"

"Yes. Your father's face looks like mine. You too. When you're in your 80s, you're bound to be like me."

Vincenzo stared at his grandfather in disbelief.

"Ah... I have to do my skincare routine from now on," Vincenzo muttered quietly.

"What? Did you say something?"


Mr. Park returned the phone, "Thank you."

Vincenzo received his cell phone back, and suddenly his hand was grabbed by Mr. Park.

"Thank you for coming."

Vincenzo looked at the old hand that was on top of his. Slowly he raised his other hand, he piled it on top of the old man's hand.

"Thanks for looking for me," said Vincenzo.

"Don't thank me. On the other hand, you should be angry that I just looked for you now, not 30 years ago."

"You must have a reason for that."

The door to the room opened, a nurse came in with a syringe.

"I'll listen to your excuses next time. Now rest," Vincenzo got up.


From the balcony of her house, Cha Young, who was cradling her son, saw her husband's car approaching the house. She immediately came down. When she opened the door, her husband was already out of the car.

"How was your meeting with your grandfather? How did the rest of his family react? Do they like you? Or are they cynical about you?"

Vincenzo smiled, "One by one, Sweety."

[Eng]Mr. & Mrs. Cassano (FF Vincenzo)✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt