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"Kelp, please calm down. It is not so bad."

"Not so bad?! Ink, I have a goddamn TAIL AND HORSE LEGS!"

"And? It suits you. I don't see your problem."

Kelp could only moan in frustration. Of course, Ink wouldn't understand the problem. As far as he knows, he might even like to see Kelp like this! But that still doesn't help Kelp with the fact that he can suddenly breathe underwater without help and apparently also had a tail. How the hell did that happen! He'd been drowning after those monsters tossed him overboard!

“I know it's hard for you to deal with everything. But please Kelp, let's explain it to you.", Dream said in a calm, if slightly pleading tone. And as much as Kelp wanted to be stubborn, he knew that he would get no explanation that way. So he pulled himself up on the rock behind him and looked at the leviathans waiting. He could also see that some of the datemates found it extremely amusing to see their partners in such a situation.

“You dropped right into our annual meeting. Your magic leaked from the stab wound on your chest and swam around you like clouds. You were kelp moments from death. And we weren't ready to let you go now."

Kelp sighed at Nightmare's explanation and rubbed his nose. "And I'm also grateful that you didn't just let the sharks eat me - nothing against you guys - but that still doesn't explain why I look like this."

"I wouldn't mind eating you."

“Not now Killer. Maybe later.", Kelp said to the bull shark and just shook off the flirt. Had he seen Killer's excited face? No. Otherwise, Kelp might have corrected his statement. But so, there was nothing that could stop Killer's excitement in the slightest.

Reaper gave Kelp a dubious look before shaking his head and picking up where Nightmare had left off. “We tried to heal you, but we're not the best at treating open wounds on the soul. We were running out of time and the only way we could think of in such a short time was to turn you into one of us. We only provided your soul with the magic that was necessary for the transformation, we had no control over the rest. It was your soul that determined your new look."

"Why can't something go normal in my life?" Kelp lay down on the rock with a sigh and just stared up. Was he cursed? Had he kicked a puppy in his past life to deserve this?
"I was for making these abominations pay for hurting you, but I was outnumbered.", interjected Error and Kelp wasn't even surprised anymore. He had actually expected something like that from the eel.

"We agreed to kill them when Kelp was better." Looking at Blue, Kelp raised an eyebrow. He could practically taste the Selkie's thirst for blood. Huh, he wasn't expecting that from Blue, but okay. Guess, Error and Ink rub off on him.

"We're not killing anyone here.", Kelp interjected and was practically confronted by an army of puppy eyes. Both the Leviathans and the Shiver and Selkies looked at him pleadingly. The only ones who seemed to stick out were the children. But Kelp had no doubt that they would look at him that way when they knew each other better. But in fact Kelp was happy about it. After all, it is enough to have to be exposed to the puppy's eyes eleven times. More and he might give way.

“We can talk more about it when you've taught me how to move around with all of this. Because I definitely don't let you carry me all the time.” It wasn't outright approval, but neither was it a disapproval, so it should work, right? At least Kelp hoped so. He didn't want any more bodies on his account. And it seemed to have satisfied them, at least temporarily. Though Error and Nightmare definitely looked like they were planning something. Seems like Kelp had to keep an eye on them in the near future.

“Maybe we can find another kelpie to help him? After all, the way Kelpies move around is different from ours.", Ink interjected and it actually seemed to make sense. After all, none of the others had legs as well as tails. Kelp would be tempted to swim the way he did as a country dweller, but he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of everyone. So that has to wait until he's alone.

Also, the fact that his soul decided that a kelpie was apparently suitable for him made him a little uncomfortable. Sure, he knew Kelpies, after all, after discovering the Leviathans, he had read of mythological aquatic beings. But personally, the Kelpies had always made him feel uncomfortable reading about them. So why did his soul think it appropriate to turn him into one? He just hoped he didn't have to hunt like one too...

With a clear throat, however, he drew everyone's attention back to himself. “I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry. I guess the transformation was more exhausting than I thought. Can you get me something, please?” Kelp wasn't sure what reaction he'd expected. Maybe a few would go out to get food for everyone and the Leviathans would stay here. Apparently he was wrong. No sooner had Kelp finished his sentence than all the Leviathans had swept away like eager pups. And all he could do was look after them in amazement.

“We will make sure that in their zeal they don't catch too much. Cross, Horror, Dust and Killer stay here with you, just in case.", Geno said with a sigh and an expression on his face that made it clear that he found the situation amusing, but that wouldn’t save the Leviathans from that lecture that he was giving to them. Kelp just pitied them a little.

Blue, Geno, and the kids had only just got out of sight when Kelp was pulled down from the rock and pushed into the sand, a grinning killer above him. Confused, Kelp looked at the bull shark and tried to get his arms free, but Killer’s grip was surprisingly strong.

"Killer? What is that?", Kelp asked carefully. Had he somehow managed to get on Killer's bad side in such a short amount of time?

"Guess~." Killer said with a giggle that sent a chill through kelp. He felt like prey under the Killer’s gaze.

Seeking help, he looked at the others, but they had just turned excitedly around Kelp and looked down on him with excitement and hunger. Though Cross looked at least a little bit guilty. However, Killer leaned forward while Kelp was distracted and gently bit his collarbone. It attracted a surprised groan from Kelp and you could watch how it had hit each of the sharks. But even Kelp himself was not unaffected by Killer's action, if you look at the cloud of magic in his pelvic. That seemed to get Horror's attention and, with skilled fingers, penetrated this cloud of magic. Dust had joined a partner soon after, leaving a badly blushing Cross behind. Kelp was just barely able to hold back a groan when Dust's fingers also immersed themselves in his magic. He slightly regretted showing them how to take him apart so easily now that it is being used against him.

“You are swimming with the sharks now, little kelpie. And we'll make sure to taste every part of you~."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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