The chocolate cult

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Kelp had no idea how he got into this situation, that he is now protecting sailors from the wrath of the Leviathans.

It is funny how his first meeting with the leviathans started out as the same as Horrors. Because Kelp found the Leviathans, in their smaller sizes, one day on the beach, wrapped in a net. And these five mighty beings were caught in it and quarreled like little children. It had effectively ruined every respect Kelp had for them up to that point. But hey, at least he could see everyone and claim to have survived a meeting. Not that he would tell anyone else. He didn't want to put an extra target on anyone's back.

And really? Ink gave the best hugs. Even if Kelp just slipped into the group cuddling. He really enjoyed it! Although it was amusing to see Nightmare and Error so vehemently against the hug. Kelp might have found it even more amusing if the two hadn't made his job of getting them off the net more difficult. Because Ink's tentacles had looped through all sorts of holes, making it very difficult for Kelp to loosen the net. He was just lucky that at one point it was too much for these two and they just returned the hug. It made Kelp's job a lot easier. And hey, he was allowed to be there for the last fifteen minutes of the group hug. The distant laughter of the shiver, the selkies and the children could be heard clearly even for Kelp.

The whole thing then escalated when the candy bar in his trouser pocket caught everyone's attention. It wasn't much, actually. Only the soft crackling of the packaging around it could be heard during his movements. And Kelp doesn't know if it was just a Cross thing or a Mer thing, but apparently those few movements were enough to make Cross understand that he was in possession of chocolate. Because shortly afterwards the thresher shark came as close as he could and asked about the chocolate. It was just a coincidence that everything else was quiet at the time.

Cross' question seemed to have triggered something, because shortly afterwards everyone asked what chocolate was. And since Kelp couldn't refuse them directly, he had only asked everyone to wait a moment while he fetched chocolate for everyone. He had given the chocolate bar to Cross with the request that he somehow distribute it to anyone who wanted something. And boy, was Kelp glad he lived not far away. Because he was gone maybe only five minutes, but the sky was already covered with storm clouds. And when he was back with them, he saw why. The Leviathans argued over who got the last of the bar. Cross, who looked really overwhelmed, discovered Kelp and calm was restored just by calling out his name. At least until the Leviathans asked for the chocolate. And Kelp wouldn't want to argue with them, which is why he gave everyone a chocolate bar. He liked his life, thank you very much.

And since then it has happened more often that either he came to the Leviathans or the Leviathans came to see him to ask for chocolate. And since Kelp really didn't want them to wage a war over chocolate, Kelp made a list on which he always noted how much chocolate each Leviathan got. If everyone gets the same amount, it should avoid war, right?

It was just by chance that Kelp discovered the calming effects of chocolate on the Leviathans. That probably put him in this situation too.

And so Kelp was just on the way to save a few idiots of seafarers from Nightmare's wrath. Even if they might deserve it.

Kelp was having trouble navigating his little boat in the storm, but somehow he got the feeling that the closer he got, the calmer the sea became - at least for him. The seafarers' boat, as Kelp could now see up close, appeared to be a fishing boat. Which shouldn't be a problem in and of itself. So now the question was, what did those fishermen do to piss off Nightmare?

As soon as Kelp was close enough for the fishermen to be seen, they called for him to turn back. And under normal circumstances, he would. Under normal conditions, his small boat would have no chance against this storm. But there was no danger for Kelp here. If Nightmare still had something against him, the Kraken should have sunk Kelp's little boat long ago.

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