Chapter 2: Timeline's Massive Genocide

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- 4 months later -

Trunk walked up to the time nest as he was called.

He felt extremely guilty of what happened to you during that moment.

He walked into the time nest seeing Chronoa mad and Elder Kai bringing more scrolls that was pouring out purple stuff.

Elder: " More history being changed."

Chronoa: " This is Towa doing. But she has a helper. Do we have any idea who it is?"

Elder:  " No. he wearing a mask that not from any timeline to protect his identity. His Kai is extremely unique though. It like someone modified this person ki."

Chronoa: " If that the case then Towa must have either built someone even stronger than Mira....or she picked someone from a timeline."

Elder: Jeez...I really hopes Y/N comes back. We could use help."

Chronoa: " I checked the universe he lived in... nowhere. I checked his house. I even asked Vados if he was the new god of Destruction. She hadn't seen him in four months."

Trunk: "...around the same time he was kicked."

Chronoa: " Trunk there you are. It was also a temporary suspension.....I fear to think Mira destroy him.....if Towa made Mira stronger somehow."

Trunk: " He was my partner...if they did something to him...."

Elder: " Let focus to the matter at hand. There are new timelines that needs fixed."

Trunk: " Where to?"

Elder: " It quite a dangerous one. Somehow Cell Absorbed Frieza."

Trunk: " Your joking."

They stayed silent for a few minutes.

Trunk: ".................your not joking."

Chronoa: " Upon absorbing Frieza Cell's power increased majority. He can't be beaten by Gohan now."

Trunk: " But did it happen?"

Elder: " We don't know for certain. But from what we seen Towa new Ally forced Cell to absorb Frieza. After that he destroyed the planet earth."

Trunk: "...this sounds like a major energy absorbing series."

Chronoa: " Yes more then enough to break the seal on the Demon Realm. But we are safe. I had the God's of Destruction add their ki to the seal making it even stronger and need more energy. The only problem is...their extremely close to the needed energy."

Trunk: "...........yet you sound concerned."

Chronoa: ".....I'm going to the afterlife for a bit. Please take control here for a while."

She then walked off as Trunk looks at Elder Kai.

Trunk: "......Elder Kai."

Elder: " Yes?"

Trunk: "...what is this new fighter is Y/N? Is it possible?"

Elder Kia stroke his chin thinking then looks at Trunk.

Elder: " If it is. There are only 3 possibilities."

Trunk; " And they are?"

Elder: " One. Towa got enough of Y/N dna to create a perfect clone. It will explain a lot about the mystery Ki. Two she took control of his soul and mind."

Trunk: " And the third option?"

Elder: " We should rule out that he willing join her. He left pretty mad at Chronoa. What better way to get back at her then to join her enemy."

Trunk: " But he wouldn't join instantly."

Elder: " She must have offered him something...but I don't know what."

He gave Trunk a scroll.

Elder: " Good luck out there."

- Afterlife -

Chronoa was talking to King Yama.

Chronoa: " So that the situation we're dealing with. We are doing our best to get the situation under control."


Chronoa: " Hey if you think you can do a better job. Then I can just leave."


He held his head as he looked at her.

Yama: " I hadn't have a break in weeks."

Chronoa: " I see. I will see if I can spare a few time patroler to help around here."

Yama: " That would be helpful."

Chronoa: " Had anything strange happened?"

He pulled out his book and looks in it.

Yama: " Actually yes. We're missing a few people from Heaven and Hell."

Chronoa: "...I see. Who are their names?"

Yama: " It happened just before you arrived. The names are."

He began saying the names of who was missing from Heaven and Hell.

Chronoa eyes widen and she ran back to her realm.

- Unknown time -

A fight was going on and Mira face was slammed to the ground.

A warrior wearing a mask was pressing his foot against Mira face as he gave a dark chuckled.

???: " Come on Mira. Where that stubborn attitude and pride?"

Mira: " Grrr. I will get my vengeance one day Y/N."

You kicked him away and chuckled.

Y/N: " If you can't destroy me 4 months ago what makes you think that you can destroy me now?"

???: " Y/N!!!"

You looked behind seeing the intelligence Android 21.

21: " I told you multiple time. Stop trying to go past your limits. You will go berserk again."

You walked up to her as your pure red eyes glared at her eyes.

Y/N: " So what if a million have to die. It just part of history right?"

She gave him a are you stupid face.

21: " Oh ha ha. Stop joking and be serious."

Y/N: You chuckled as you stop glaring and took off your mask. " It not that big of a deal. I have the dna and blood of literally every race. I don't know how Ironwood got a hold of it....but he dead now."

Towa: " Oh Y/N dear."

You looked at her.

Y/N: " Towa. Look I'm not in the mood for sexy ou.............."

You dropped your mask tearing up as you saw someone smiling and tearing up as well.

A few other people near town smiled and geared up seeing you.

Towa gave a gentle smile.

Towa: " I told you I will bring them back."

( Well that it for this chapter.

Who did Towa bring back?

What is Chronoa plan now?

What will happen next?

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all in the next chapter.)

True Soulmate in Time ( OP Male Reader x Rwby and DBZ Harem/Crossover.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin