Chapter 17

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*Justin's PoV*

I took her to Disneyworld!! Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Why'd I take her to Disneyworld? It's because I have to do a concert here so I figured I'd take her with me. "Justin, I love you!!" she told me. I smiled. "I know you do. What do you want to do first?" "Go on a rollercoaster ride." "Okay. By the way, we're only here for today and we have to head back home at midnight because we're only here cuz I have a concert at eight. "Okay, then let's not waste time!"

We went a few rides, but then before we knew it it was time for my concert. "Enjoy," I told Ali then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Then I got up on stage and stated singing. After I sang Overboard, I stopped singing. It was ny last song for the night. Now I had to answer questions from the audience. I called on a girl that looked around my age. "Justin, do you have a girlfriend?" she asked me. "Yes, I do. Her name is Alison. In fact, she's over there." I pointed towards Ali and everyone turned their heads to look at her. Ali waved to everyone.

The next person was a girl with straight strawberry blonde hair. "Can I make out with you?" she asked. She was laughing, and it was obvious her friends dared her to ask that question. "No, I have a girlfriend who I love very much and I'd never hurt her. Plus I don't know you," I replied. Then the questions were over. I jumped off stage and walked off with my arm around Ali. She giggled as we walked towards the car. It's been a fun day but now it's time for us to go home.


It was really short, I know. Sorry, but I'm having writer's block.

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