Chapter 5

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This whole chapter is going to be their date!! Remember to comment, fan, and vote!


*Ali's PoV*

I'm so nervous! My date with Justin is in less than an hour, and I'll admit I'm kind of freaking out. I've never been on a date before, let alone with a pop star. This morning I got up at 6 am, just to make sure I had enough time to get ready. The date is at 10, and right now it's 9:40. I still need to take a shower and everything! I know what you're thinking, what was I doing when I woke up then. I was still getting ready, it just took me forever to find a good outfit to wear for a date that was in the morning instead of at night. Plus after all that I was exhausted, so I took a little break and watched tv. Before I knew it, it was already 9:30. So here I am.

Anyways, I walked into the bathroom and took a nice warm shower and when I got out I put on the outfit. The shirt was a purple tank top with sparkles on it, and I wore a warm, yet not long sleeved pink jacket over it. The skirt was purple with ruffles at the end, and it had pink sequences on it. My shoes were kind of fancy, but not too fancy, and they were red. I wore earrings with the outfit, gold hoops.

Then I realized what time it was. 10:12! Oh god, I'm late! I ran downstairs and out the door, but then I realized I forgot something. "Mom, I'm going now!" I yelled, peeking my head through the door. I quickly shut the door, and ran into the car. The drive to IHop was only 10 minutes, and hopefully Justin was running a little late too.

*Justin's PoV*

Crap! I'm late! Ali is soo gonna kill me. And to make matters worse, I couldn't find the flowers I bought that I was gonna give her. "Christian, did you happen to see the flowers I bought Ali anywhere?" Christian is my best bud. He happened to be over playing video games with me. Bad idea, I know, since I had a date planned today.

"No, why would I have?" he asked, trying to hide his smile. "Don't think I don't see you smiling. Where'd you put them?" "Under the sink." "Okay, thanks." I grabbed the flowers, then walked over to Chris and smacked him in the head. "Ow, what the crap was that for?!" "For being you. I'm going now." And I grabbed the car keys and walked out the door.

*Ali's PoV*

When I got to IHop, I got out of the car. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see if Justin had texted, which he did, and being me I ran into someone. "Uhh.. Sorry" the unknown man said. He had blondish, long sexy hair that draped across his neck, and my guess is he was around my age. "No, it was my fault" I said as he reached his hand down to help me up off the ground. "I'm Mick" he said kind of quickly. "I'm Alison, but you can call me Ali." "Beautiful name. Do you think that maybe you would like to go out sometime, like to a movie or something?" "Sure, but can we go as just friends?" he hesitated but then said,"Okay, can I have your number?" "Sure"

He handed me his phone and I typed in my number and gave it back. "See you around" he sighed, then left. I rolled my eyes, then kept walking towards the building. When I got inside, I sat at a table and waited for Justin to arrive. While I waited, I thought about who I wanted to be with, because I realized I think I like Mick too because he seems nice, but I like Justin more. After a while I gave up, and just started writing a song in my mind. I called it 'Being me'. The lyrics are:

I've got my sight set on the right guy. It's perfectly perfect. But I get so confused. All these things mixed in my head. I know destiny is calling for you and me. But I get lost along the way. But that's just me being me.

At first I didn't get what they meant, but then I realized it meant that I liked Justin but I don't know if I'm starting to have second thoughts. That's just great. I'm about to go on a date with Justin, but now I'm not sure if I truly want to. It's taking all my guts not to run out of hear and cancel the date right now.


I know I said that this chapter would be their date, but sorry! I changed it to be in the next chapter. But hmm.. Who do you think she will choose? You'll find out soon! Maybe in two chapters or more. But not the next chapter.

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