Chapter 12

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*Justin's PoV*

"Ummm sure. Shoot." "I didn't kiss Mick. He kissed me. We were at the movies as friends, and he kissed me, trying to get me to go out with him. I told him I didn't like him that way and that I had feelings for someone else. Which was you." There was a short pause.

"Well now I feel like a jerk," I said. "Don't. You had a reason to be upset. You liked me, and you saw me with another guy. I knew that was a mistake going with him." "I didn't even give you a chance to explain. I am a jerk." Wow, I'm soo stupid. I shouldve let her explain and she could be mine already. "Its fine. Really, it is." There was a pause. "I better go," she said. She turned to leave, but I grabbed her arm to stop her. "Not yet." "Don't you have other autographs to sign still?" I chuckled. "Yeah, but they can wait. I want to sing you a song first." I grabbed my guitar from the stand I set it on and started strumming and singing.

"So crazy in this thing we call love. And now that we got it we just can't give up. I'm reaching out for you. Got me out here in the water and I. I'm overboard and I need your love. Pull me up. I can't swim on my own. It's too much. Feels like I'm drowning without your love. So throw yourself out to me. My lifesaver. (Lifesaver, oh lifesaver.) My lifesaver. (Lifesaver, oh lifesaver.) Woah."

By the time I finished my song, Ali had tears in her eyes. I walked up in front of everyone and shouted "Alison Georgina Richmond, will you be my one less lonely girl?" She walked up to me, tears pouring out of her eyes. "I-I want to go out with you, but-but I can't. I already have a boyfriend. I'm sorry. I think I should go now." "What? Who's your boyfriend?" (A/N Lindsey and her mom are waiting in the car.) "His name's Mick. He's the guy that you saw kiss me three weeks ago. We got together after you left." I kicked the chairs down. I'm really ticked off now. "Why don't you just leave now," I said. "Justin, I'm sorry-" I cut her off.

"No you're not. I've had my heart broken many times before, and I'm not about to have it broken again. Goodbye, Ali." I went back to the desk and signed more autographs. I saw Ali slowly walk away with tears streaming down her face. I felt bad about what just happened. "Ali, wait." She stopped walking and turned around to reveal her red face. Even if she was crying, she still looked beautiful. "I'm sorry. I'm just jealous of whoever you said your boyfriend's name is." "His name is Mick." Just as she said his name, my eyes widened. I recognized his name. "Wait. Mick Alderink?" I asked, just to make sure it's not who I'm thinking of. "Yeah. Do you know him?" "Yes, I do. Umm I don't know how to tell you this but.. he's going out with my best bud Christain's sister Caitlin."

"So, he's cheating on me?" she said. "Apparently. And on Caitlin." I feel bad being the one to tell the girl I like that her boyfriend's a cheater, but she deserves to know. "Oh. Wow. Umm.. I'm gonna break up with him then." "Really?" I said, happier than I meant to. "Yeah. But I'm gonna be really mad at you if you're lying." "No, I'm not. Promise." "Okay." She got her phone out, and my guess is she texted Mick to dump him. "K, me and Mick are officially through whether he wants to be or not." She didn't seem upset at all. "Are you even upset?" "Do you want the truth?" she asked. I laughed. "Of course I want the truth!" "Then, no. To be honest, I didn't love him. I liked you. And.. I still do.." she admitted, blushing. "Oh, really?" I asked, showing my obvious happiness. "Yeah.." she replied, covering her face with her hands.

"No, don't be embarrassed. I like you too. Obviously. I mean, I just sang you a song I wrote about you and asked you to be my girlfriend. And that was when you had a boyfriend already." "Yeah, good point," she said, removing her hands. "So now that you're single, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. "No."

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