Chapter 13

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*Ali's PoV*

"Oh.." Justin said, looking hurt. I laughed. "I'm kidding! Of course I'll go out with you!" I told him, laughing while I spoke. "Geez, don't scare me like that!" he said, giving my arm a punch. "Sorry. I just had to. Anyways, I think I should go now. My mom's waiting for me outside and you still have some autographs to sign." "Wait, when will I get to see you again?" "You tell me. You're the famous one with a busy schedule." "Well, I'll figure something out." (A/N after Justin saw Ali kissing Mick he went back to his home in Cali. but Ali lives in Miami) "How? I live in Miami and you live all the way over here. How are we suppose to be a couple?"

"Easy. I could come to Miami and live there." My eyes widened. "No way! You can't! You have your singing career!" "Then you move to Cali. Or I could give up singing." "No! I won't let you! I'm not worth it!" "To me you are. You mean a lot more to me then singing does." I'm confused. I barely know him. "But we barely know each other. I mean, I like you and everything, but still." "I know that, but we can try and make it work. Since the day I met you three weeks ago, I could tell you were the one for me. What do you say? At least give it a try?" he begged me. "Okay. I gotta go. Text you later." "Okay," he said, and I walked away.

It's not gonna work out, but I told him I'll give it a try. After all, I like him and he likes me. I guess the only problem is that long distance relationships never work out.

I got to the car, and my mom and Lindsey were giving me strange looks. My mom decided to ignore and she started to drive, but Lindsey wouldn't stop bugging me. "What took you so long? The concert ended a little over an half hour ago, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't take that long to go to the bathroom." (Oh yeah, I kind of lied and told them I was going to the bathroom. I didn't think it'd take as long as it did to talk to Justin.) "You sound like my mom," I complained. "Haha, very funny," she said sarcastically. "But seriously." "The lines were long," I lied. I didn't want to tell her everything, especially with my mom in the car. Plus Lindsey is a blabbermouth and I don't want rumors going around."Mkay," she said.

*~~2 days later~~*

I was in my room writing a song when I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs and opened it, because my mom was out grocery shopping. (A/N I forgot to mention her parents are divorced and she can't visit her dad because he's violent.)

"Hey, want to go out tonight?" My jaw dropped. Oh my god, it's Justin! "Hey!" I said, giving him a big hug. He swooped me off my feet. "What are you doing here?!"

"Well, I moved here. I actually live down the street now." "What? Why didn't you tell me?!" "I wanted to surprise you." "I told you not to. What about your career?" I was shocked that he gave up his career for a girl he barely knows that much about. "They put a recording studio in my basement. And I know you said that I barely know anything about you and you barely know anything about me, but I moved here so I could get to know you better." Oh, nevermind about giving up his career.

"Well, okay, nothing wrong with that." I said smiling. "So do you want to go out to lunch?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll text my mom. She's not home." "Well let's go then!" "Where to?" "Hmm.. I'm thinking Mikky D's." (McDonald's) "Fine with me." I put my purple converse on and we headed out the door.

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