Chapter 49 - The Malfoys' Ball

Start from the beginning

"A dangerous game you play, Miss Knight," Severus said in a low tone, shaking his head in disbelief. Rowan, who was beginning to become tired, only shrugged and laid back down. Ever since Severus had started to give her a potion to alleviate her nausea, Rowan had been able to do a lot more during the day. That being said, doing more was a lot more tiring than usual. "Rest, my love. I shall wake you before we must leave," Severus offered, placing a blanket over Rowan's torso. 

Nodding slightly, Rowan closed her eyes. No dreams came, but that wasn't a bad thing anymore. The presence of Severus Snape was enough to keep her feeling safe; feeling free. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Quite extravagant," Rowan chuckled as she clung onto Seveus' arm and entered Malfoy Manor. This was the first time she had seen it completely filled with tons of people, most of which she did not recognize. "We could always leave, darling. Just need to show our faces," Severus murmured, looking less than pleased with the situation. If there was one thing about Severus that everyone was certain of, it was the fact that he was not a people person. Rowan rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Nonsense, Severus. Enjoy yourself," Rowan smiled, placing a small peck on Severus' cheek. 

"Good evening, you two! May I offer some of the finest wine in all of Scotland to you both, courtesy of the Malfoys?" A man with an expensive-looking suit asked politely. Just as Rowan was about to accept, she was reminded that she was with child. "Just one for him," Rowan spoke, and before Severus could protest, Rowan was already gone; disappearing into the crowd. She wanted to see if she could find Bellatrix so she could hang out with her while Severus socialized. He could always come and find her if he wanted to leave early.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rowan spotted Bellatrix in conversation with an unfamiliar man; and the conversation seemed pretty one-sided. Bellatrix was staring out into the crowd looking rather annoyed. Though, when Bellatrix's eyes met Rowan's, they seemed to light up. "Ah! Excuse me," Bellatrix nodded toward the now disappointed-looking man and made her way over to Rowan. "Thank merlin! Someone I can actually stand to be around," Bellatrix exclaimed as she placed her hand on Rowan's back and led her over to the empty kitchen.

"Is that a compliment?" Rowan chuckled, simply happy to be away from the crowd. Bellatrix thought for a moment but didn't respond. She simply pulled out two glasses from a cupboard and filled them with water. "Drink. You need hydration," Bellatrix murmured, pulling out two barstools. Rowan nodded and took a seat beside her; Bellatrix would open up one day. "Who was that guy?" Rowan asked as she took a small sip of her water. 

"Some guy Cissy sent over to try and 'wed me,'; which I have no interest in," Bellatrix rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I hate this manor," She finished in an exhausted whisper. Narcissa and Bellatrix had always been inseparable, but everyone knew when Bellatrix had separated from her husband, she hated that she had to move in with her sister to survive. "Well, what's the lucky man's name?" Rowan asked as she looked over her shoulder to see the man still nursing his drink. He was swaying to the sound of hundreds of voices; most certainly drunk. 

Bellatrix laughed as she saw him, shaking her head. "I haven't a clue! Oh, Rowan, I'm horrible!" She cackled, throwing her head back as she did so. It was nice to see her laugh; Bellatrix didn't do much of that. "Nonsense, Bellatrix. Why don't you come and stay at Hogwarts for a bit? My old quarters are empty," Rowan offered. Having her friend around more often would be amazing; especially since she had never once judged Rowan. It was nice knowing where she stood with Bellatrix. "Oh, I couldn't-"

"Rowan!" Rowan turned around to find a rather annoyed-looking Severus. "I've been looking everywhere for you," Severus exclaimed, quickly running over and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Leaning her head back into his chest, Rowan smiled brightly. "Bellatrix," Severus greeted angrily, knowing it was her that had taken Rowan away from the crowd. "Snivellus," Bellatrix retorted as she rolled her eyes. "Watch it you wench-" Severus began but was quickly silenced when Rowan pulled away from his grasp and glared. 

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