Penny- she's so bubbly and happy and radiates sunshine and you're so.....
Me- me?
Penny- Exactly.
Me- it's a fucking picture Penny, don't read into it. There are a thousand pictures of me on those stupid gossip accounts.
Penny- I know but in this picture, you don't have your normal patronizing look.
Me- Penny don't meddle.
Penny- *sighing emoji*

I roll my eyes and pocket my phone as the doorman opens the door to the penthouse, I thank him and step inside. I greet the receptionist before heading for the elevators, I wondered if Rhett was already home or he was still at work so on the rarity I call out his name once I step in.

"Kitchen!" He yells in an agitated tone. I throw my bag down by the end of the stairs and walk into the kitchen.

"Let's table your hatred for me for a second," He immediately says and I lift a shoulder in agreement opening the fridge. He gives me a rundown about what his parents are fighting about, Rhett's job. Since he took over his grandfather's company when he finished college and I'm in no position to take on the family business, neither is Penny, it falls back to Rhett.

"Dad's a fucking hard head." I groan as we make our upstairs. My half brother needs to release some anger so we're going boxing where we can take our anger out on each other and hit each other in a safe way. That's one of the rare things that bring me joy if I'm being honest.

"No the fucking whole situation is fucked up," he grumbles and moves past me. It is fucked up, I want to snap back at him and yell that him knowing about Penny and I all these years is fucked up but I hold my tongue, he's pissed off and I'd hate to poke the bear.

Two hours later, the two of us were standing in the kitchen still somewhat sweaty from our post-boxing exercise "Dude I said I was sorry," Rhett says but with a fucking smile as he throws me a bag of ice.

"I fucking said I wasn't ready, asshole," I snap putting the ice to my chin. Rhett laughs and I flip him off.

"What the hell happened?" A third voice adds, I turn and see Penny walking in, I guess she just finished her classes for the day.

"Boxing, this fucker clogged me," I point to him. Rhett raises his arms defensively. Penny smiles because it's the rare occasion Rhett and I push aside our differences. Our brother's phone rings and he excuses himself.

"Why did you go boxing?" Penny asks as I lean back on the counter.

"Dad's been blasting his mom because he wants Rhett to take over the company but his mom won't budge."

"Speaking of moms," Penny drawls out opening the pantry, I narrow my eyes at her. "She texted me today, said she's coming down this weekend."

"You know I'll be with grandad so have fun with that,"

"Sebastian," she whines and I shake my head.

"Grandad and I have had this planned for weeks Penny, I can't back down even if it's for mom, not like I actually would though so,"

"Fine," she grumbles stepping back into the kitchen with Girl Scout cookies.

"I'll make dinner the whole weekend,"'I promise.

She scoffs as she takes the cookies, "you better," she says and gives me a small smile. I shake my head at her as she exits the kitchen. I cradle the ice to my jaw as I head up to my room, I left my phone up there. I sweep it off my nightstand and check the group chat, Spencer always has something to say so I'm not shocked I have a shit ton of messages from them.

Maverick- Bash, poker tonight?
Me- I'm in.

I showered and sat down to do homework, I'm a semester behind because of the time I took off when I went to rehab, I was going to take a whole fucking year off but school is a good distraction for me.

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