Fredrick Chase

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( Mortal Meets Percabeth )

Fredricks POV

I get to see Annabeth again it's been years since I seen her last , when her friends came to save her .

I know I haven't been the best dad but I want to try to make things right with her . She told me she was bringing a friend from camp with her .

While me and Hellen were setting the table while talking , there was a knock at the door I sprang from my seat and ran to open the door I smile brightly as I saw Annabeth standing there with a guy who looked like he was 6 feet tall " Hey Annie ." I smile at her as she glared at me " don't call me Annie fre.. I mean dad " I smile and hugged her as she entered then her friend.

" Hi Mr.Chase it's nice to see you again." He smiled at me and shook my hand " Um I'm sorry but have we met." He frowned softly" It's me Percy Jackson I came over that one time when Annabeth got kidnapped by the titans ."

Oh wow this kid had gotten nuked by the growth stick " Oh wow you grown a lot over the years I didn't recognize you at first." He smile shaking his head ." Yeah my mom said the same thing after I got back from the second giant war and from getting kidnapped."

I looked at him shocked " YOU GOT KIDNAPPED ALSO." I kinda yelled as Annabeth nodded " It was the worst 8 months ever he lost his memories but only remembered me , Hera kidnapped him ."

Wow poor kid first Annabeth gets kidnapped by a titan then her 'friend' gets kidnapped by a goddess .

Oh I have a feeling that these two are dating and I kinda ship it he legitimately traveled across the country to save my daughter from a titan so he has my approval for dating her and marriage.

" Annabeth , it's nice to see you again." We look over to see Helen as she glared at Annabeth and Percy . I hate that my wife and Daughter don't get along . I hate it even more that she sent the twins over to a friends house while Annabeth was visiting.

" It's nice to see you too Helen." Annabeth glares back " And who's this ? He looks like a trouble maker. " she points at Percy glaring at him while he looks away feeling the awkwardness.

" I'm um Percy Jackson we met before." All Helen can do was nod and walks away." Well it's late we should go to sleep. " They both nodded and head upstairs. " Percy." They both turn to look at Helen." You sleep in the guest room I don't want you near Annabeth at night ."

I look at Helen about to protest but Annabeth beats me to it ." Oh shut it Helen, me and Percy have been dating for 3 years we're adults if we want to sleep in the same bed and just cuddle we can okay . Also news flash we're waiting until we're married to do what your thinking we'll do so get your mind out of the gutter."

To say I was shock would be a lie I had to hold back a smile as she said that to Helen while Helen just glared at Percy and Annabeth" You'll respect me in my house young lady."

I shot a glare at Helen" Your house ." I yell kinda loud " Who pays the bills , who works , who bought the house with there own money." I make a fake thinking face " Oh I did. you either respect my daughter and future son in law now or leave ."

"Future son in law " I look back as I see Percy blushing a dark red " Yes I approve of your relationship, I know I have no rights to cause I was the worst father ever but this boy literally travels across the damn country to save your life Annabeth ."

She smiled as she basically jumped off the stairs and tackled me with a hug while Helen was still fuming mad at her . I look at Helen ." Know what Helen just get out of here okay you tried to convince me not to let Annabeth come over."

Helen glared at all of us and just leaves without taking anything but her phone . After that argument we all went to bed about at 2 in the morning I woke up to a scream . I shot out of bed . Is that Annabeth No it's a man scream. Percy !

" I ran over to the room seeing Percy on the floor crying as Annabeth rubs his back. I softly whisper " What's wrong ?" She looks up "he had a nightmare when we fell into .." she stops herself I knew what she was going to say .

Tartarus Greek hell where the monsters, Titans , and Giants live at . I now realize that he probably fell in there " we fell into tartus together he captured us and tormented us ."

We? , he fell with her or she fell with him I don't know what happened but I'm happy and sad that they had to go through that together. Happy that they had each other , sad that they had to go through it

" I'm going to make some tea for us okay ." They nod while I headed down stairs to make tea for the both of them .

As we drank our tea and talked they told me what had happened. So it was Annabeth that was being dragged down there and he caught her but they still fell . Most guys would have let her fall by herself but he didn't. He went down there with her. He truly does love my daughter.

4 Years later I'm walking my beautiful daughter down the aisle to give her to Percy . I divorced Helen and took full custody of Mathew and Bobby who found out that there mom was an evil person who hated there sister . I'm glad to say that Annabeth and me are on amazing terms now we're a family again thanks to Percy and Annabeth I'm once again truly happy.

I look over and See Athena sitting with the other gods and goddesses I softly sigh . I was in love with her still , but I had to drop the feeling cause she's a maiden goddess and can't get married. I look back at my daughter and watch her get married. She's no longer Annabeth Chase she's now Annabeth Chase-Jackson

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